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Latin Baby Names, Meanings

3498 names found for "Latin"   (page 26 of 70) 

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Emilee  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving
Emilia  (Latin)
Emilian  (Latin)
Emilie  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving
Emilio  (Latin)
Spanish Form of Emil Derived from Roman Clan Name Which May Mean 'Industrious.'
Emily  (Latin)
Emira  (Latin)
Worthy of Merit
Emlyn  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emma  (Latin)
Emmalee  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving
Emmalei  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving
Emmanuel  (Latin)
With Us is God. Variant of Hebrew Name Immanuel. A Biblical Name-title Applied to the Messiah
Emmy  (Latin)
Short Form of Emily
Enid  (Latin)
Quiet Woman
Entoria  (Latin)
Lover of Satum
Eny  (Latin)
One of the Graeae
Enyo  (Latin)
One of the Graeae
Eos  (Latin)
Goddess of Dawn
Ephyra  (Latin)
Daughter of Oceanus
Epione  (Latin)
Wife of Asclepius
Epona  (Latin)
Protectress of Horses
Equestris  (Latin)
Venus's Surname
Eriboea  (Latin)
Wife of Aloeus
Erica  (Latin)
The Plant 'Erica'
Erichthonius  (Latin)
Founder of Troy
Ermina  (Latin)
Erna  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernesha  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestina  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestine  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Errol  (Latin)
Esmeralda  (Latin)
Espe  (Latin)
Essie  (Latin)
Estella  (Latin)
Estelle  (Latin)
Star (Estella, Etella, Estrella)
Etta  (Latin)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Ettie  (Latin)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Etty  (Latin)
Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette
Euadne  (Latin)
Daughter of Poseidon
Euandra  (Latin)
Eugenius  (Latin)
Well-born, from the Latin Eugene. Famous Bearer: Pope St Eugenius
Euphorbus  (Latin)
A Trojan Soldier
Eurus  (Latin)
East Wind
Eurybia  (Latin)
Eurydice  (Latin)
Wife of Aeneas
Euryganeia  (Latin)
Wife of Oedipus
Euryle  (Latin)
Mother of Orion
Eurymede  (Latin)
Mother of Bellerphon
Eurynassa  (Latin)
Mother of Pelops
3498 names found for "Latin"   (page 26 of 70) 

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Additional Names

Alekona | Carmen | Eden | Shada | Arnaud | Audria | Harriet | Jovany | Olive | Gudgodah | Slevin | Carlino | Vohkinne | Neelie | Ronnie |