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Latin Baby Names, Meanings

3498 names found for "Latin"   (page 8 of 70) 

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Antonina  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonino  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonio  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antonique  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonius  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antoniy  (Latin)
Beyond Praise
Antons  (Latin)
Variant of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antony  (Latin)
Praiseworthy, Flourishing
Antos  (Latin)
Diminutive of Anthony: Worthy of Praise; of Value. Saint Anthony is the Patron Sain of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins
Antton  (Latin)
Beyond Praise
Apelles  (Latin)
Name of an Artist
Apollo  (Latin)
God of the Sun
Apollodorus  (Latin)
Name of a Greek Writer
Apollonia  (Latin)
Belonging to Apollo. Mythology; Apollo Was the Greek God of Sun; Light; Music; and Poetry
Apollonis  (Latin)
One of the Muses Worshipped at Delphi
Apria  (Latin)
From the Apricot
April  (Latin)
Calendar Month, Open to Receive the Sun in Spring
Aprille  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryl  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apryll  (Latin)
Open. The Month April; Symbolizes Spring
Apulia  (Latin)
From the River Apulia
Aquarius  (Latin)
Tthe Water Bearer
Aquila  (Latin)
Eagle' Used by Romans, Early Christians, and Mentioned in the New Testament
Aquiline  (Latin)
Aquilino  (Latin)
Aquitania  (Latin)
From Aquitaine
Arabella  (Latin)
Beautiful Altar
Arabelle  (Latin)
Derived from 'Orabilis' Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Famous Bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart Was Cousin of King James Vi of Scotland. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Arabia  (Latin)
From Arabia
Araceli  (Latin)
Aracelia  (Latin)
Aracely  (Latin)
Heavenly Altar
Arachne  (Latin)
Turned into a Spider by Minerva
Arar  (Latin)
From the Arar
Araris  (Latin)
From the Arar
Aratus  (Latin)
Name of a Greek Author
Arber  (Latin)
Sells Herbs
Arbor  (Latin)
Sells Herbs
Arcadia  (Latin)
Arcanania  (Latin)
From Arcanania
Arcas  (Latin)
Son of Callisto
Archer  (Latin)
Archimedes  (Latin)
Name of a Scientist
Arcitenens  (Latin)
Ardea  (Latin)
From Ardea
Ardeen  (Latin)
Ardent. Eager. Industrious
Ardel  (Latin)
Ardent. Eager. Industrious
Ardelis  (Latin)
Ardent. Eager. Industrious
Ardell  (Latin)
Eager; Industrious
Ardella  (Latin)
Ardent. Eager. Industrious
3498 names found for "Latin"   (page 8 of 70) 

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