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Scandinavian Baby Names, Meanings

510 names found for "Scandinavian"   (page 9 of 11) 

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Paiva  (Scandinavian)
God of the Sun
Pal  (Scandinavian)
Little. Form of Paul
Paulsen  (Scandinavian)
Little. Son of Paul. Surname
Pedar  (Scandinavian)
Peer  (Scandinavian)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Per  (Scandinavian)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Poul  (Scandinavian)
Little. Form of Paul
Quenby  (Scandinavian)
Quinby  (Scandinavian)
From the Woman's Estate
Rae  (Scandinavian)
Rafer  (Scandinavian)
Wolf Counsel
Ragnar  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. Ancient Personal Name
Rainer  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor
Rainor  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor
Ralph  (Scandinavian)
Wolf Counsel
Rane  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Rane  (Scandinavian)
Queen (Raine)
Ranell  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Ray  (Scandinavian)
Rayne  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Raynell  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Rayner  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Raynor  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Raynord  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Reidar  (Scandinavian)
Reiner  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor
Roald  (Scandinavian)
Powerful. Famous Bearers: Writer Roald Dahl and Norwegian Explorer Roald Amundsen (-)
Rolf  (Scandinavian)
Ron  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronal  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronald  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Reynold
Ronell  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronn  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronnell  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronnie  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Ronny  (Scandinavian)
Rules With Counsel. Form of Ronald from Reynold
Roosevelt  (Scandinavian)
Field of Roses
Rorik  (Scandinavian)
Rorric  (Scandinavian)
Rosco  (Scandinavian)
Heathland of the Roe Deer
Roscoe  (Scandinavian)
Deer Forest
Royd  (Scandinavian)
From the Forest Clearing
Ruben  (Scandinavian)
See - a Son
Rydell  (Scandinavian)
Horseman; Rider
Ryden  (Scandinavian)
Horseman; Rider
Savea  (Scandinavian)
The Swedish Nation
Shelby  (Scandinavian)
Willow Farm. English Surname Used More for Girls Than Boys Given Names
Signa  (Scandinavian)
Signal, Sign
Sigourney  (Scandinavian)
The Conqueror
Skule  (Scandinavian)
510 names found for "Scandinavian"   (page 9 of 11) 

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Additional Names

Elisa | Zachary | Owen | Graham | Nadine | Atteworthe | Brighid | Wanageeska | Gaile | Clarimonda | Ashwinkumar | Hvergelmir | Alcumena | Grainne | Amira |