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Spanish Baby Names, Meanings

1347 names found for "Spanish"   (page 8 of 27) 

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Cristian  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Cristiano  (Spanish)
Cristina  (Spanish)
Christian; Another Form of Christina
Cristine  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ
Cristobal  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Christopher 'Christ Bearer'
Cristofer  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Cristofor  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Criston  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Cristos  (Spanish)
Follower of Christ; the Annointed
Cristoval  (Spanish)
With Christ Inside
Cruz  (Spanish)
Cuartio  (Spanish)
Born Fourth
Cuarto  (Spanish)
Born Fourth
Curcio  (Spanish)
Friendly; Polite
Currito  (Spanish)
Curro  (Spanish)
Frenchman; Free
Cyntia  (Spanish)
Variant of Greek Name Cynthia - One of the Names of the Mythological Mood Goddess Artemis Referring to Her Birth on Mount Cynthus
Dacio  (Spanish)
From Dacia
Dalila  (Spanish)
Damario  (Spanish)
Masculine Form of the Greek Damaris 'Gentle.'
Damian  (Spanish)
Damita  (Spanish)
Baby Princess
Dani  (Spanish)
Feminine of Daniel: God Judges. God Will Judge
Daniela  (Spanish)
God is My Judge
Danilo  (Spanish)
Variant of Daniel 'God is My Judge.'
Danita  (Spanish)
God Judges. God Will Judge
Dantae  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dante  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Dantel  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Daria  (Spanish)
Dario  (Spanish)
Daunte  (Spanish)
Enduring. The Poet Dante Alighieri Wrote the Divine Comedy With Its Graphic Description of Medieval Hell Known As 'Dante's Inferno.'
Deiene  (Spanish)
Religious Holiday
Deikun  (Spanish)
Religious Holiday
Deina  (Spanish)
Religious Holiday
Delcine  (Spanish)
Delfina  (Spanish)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine
Delicia  (Spanish)
Delma  (Spanish)
Of the Sea
Delmar  (Spanish)
Of the Sea
Delmar  (Spanish)
Of the Sea
Delmara  (Spanish)
Of the Sea
Delmer  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delmor  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delmore  (Spanish)
Variant of Delmar: Seaside
Delphia  (Spanish)
Dolphin. Variant of the Thirteenth-century French Saint Delphine
Demario  (Spanish)
Masculine Form of the Greek Damaris 'Gentle.'
Denisa  (Spanish)
Feminine of Denis from the Greek Name Dionysus
Des  (Spanish)
Desi  (Spanish)
1347 names found for "Spanish"   (page 8 of 27) 

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Additional Names

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