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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 143 of 422) 

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Ekana  (Hawaiian)
Ekanga  (Indian)
Ekaveer  (Hindu)
A King of Chandravamsha
Ekeka  (Hawaiian)
Ekekiela  (Hawaiian)
Powerful God
Ekela  (Hawaiian)
Ekemona  (Hawaiian)
Wealthy Protector
Eker  (Biblical)
Barren, Feeble
Ekerd  (German)
Ekewaka  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Ekemona: Wealthy Protector
Ekhard  (German)
Eknath  (Indian)
poet, saint
Ekon  (African)
Strong. (Nigerian)
Ekoram  (Hindu)
One of the Five Acharyas
Ekram  (Hindu)
Ekron  (Biblical)
Barrenness, Torn Away
Ektor  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Arthur
Ekualo  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Ekemona: Wealthy Protector
Ekumena  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Ekemona: Wealthy Protector
El-beth-el  (Biblical)
The God of Bethel
El-elohe-Israel  (Biblical)
God; the God of Israel
Elaad  (Hebrew)
Eternity God
Eladah  (Biblical)
The Eternity of God
Elah  (Biblical)
An Oak, a Curse, Perjury
Elam  (Biblical)
A Young Man; a Virgin; a Secret
Elan  (Native American)
Elasah  (Biblical)
The Doings of God
Elaskolatat  (Native American)
Nez Perce Name Meaning Animal Running into the Ground
Elath  (Biblical)
A Hind, Strength, an Oak
Elazar  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Elazaro  (Hebrew)
God Has Helped
Elazer  (Basque)
God Helps
Elba  (Italian)
Italian Place Name
Elbert  (German)
Bright; Famous
Elbow  (Shakespearean)
'Measure for Measure' a Simple Constable
Elchanan  (Hebrew)
God is Good
Eldaah  (Biblical)
Knowledge of God
Eldad  (Biblical)
'Favored of God, Love of God'
Eldan  (English)
From the Elves'Valley
Elden  (English)
From the Elves'Valley 'From the Old Town.' Surname
Elder  (English)
One's Elder (Older Person); Elder Tree
Eldgrim  (Norse)
Kiiled by Hrut Hejolfsson
Eldon  (English)
From the Elves' Valley, from the Old Town. from a Surname and Place Name
Eldred  (Teutonic)
Battle Counselor
Eldrian  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Eldrick  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
Eldrid  (Anglo Saxon)
Wise Advisor
Eldridge  (Teutonic)
Battle Counselor
Eldur  (English)
From the Elder Tree
Eldwin  (English)
Old/Wise Ruler
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 143 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Tyrone | Rifaaqat | Apia | Jael | Sorine | Avril | Eleonora | Martha | Elbertine | Lorrella | Ellice | Conchetta | Neha | Terentia | Misha |