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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 250 of 422) 

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Lambert  (German)
Bright Land. Can Be Used As Both a Surname and First Name. Famous Bearer: Belgian-american Actor Christopher Lambert
Lambi  (Norse)
Son of Thorbjorn the Feeble
Lambodara  (Hindu)
Lambrecht  (German)
Light of Land
Lambret  (German)
Light of Land
Lambrett  (German)
Light of Land
Lamech  (Biblical)
Poor, Made Low
Lamherto  (Teutonic)
Light of the Land
Lamond  (Scottish)
Clan Name. Surname
Lamont  (Norse)
Lamonte  (Gaelic)
Man of Law
Lamorak  (Arthurian Legend)
Brother of Percival
Lamorat  (Arthurian Legend)
Brother of Percival
Lancaster  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part and ' Prince John of Lancaster, Son to the King
Lancdon  (English)
From the Long Hill Slope
Lance  (English)
Diminutive of Lancelot: Servant. God-like
Lancelin  (French)
Lancelot  (French)
Lander  (English)
From the Grassy Plain
Landers  (French)
From the Grassy Plain
Landis  (French)
From the Grassy Plain
Landmari  (German)
Famous Land
Landon  (English)
From the Long Hill
Landry  (Anglo Saxon)
Lane  (English)
From the Long Meadow 'Path; Roadway.'
Lanfranco  (Italian)
Derived from a Name of Germanic Origin Composed from of Landa- 'Earth' and Franka 'Free', Meaning 'Free Man in His Country'
Lang  (Anglo Saxon)
Langdon  (English)
From the Long Hill
Lange  (Anglo Saxon)
Langer  (Scandinavian)
Tall Man
Langford  (English)
Lives Near the Long Ford
Langleah  (English)
From the Long Meadow
Langley  (French)
Langston  (English)
From the Long Enclosure 'Long Stone.'
Langundo  (Native American)
Lankston  (English)
Town of the Giant
Lannie  (English)
Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
Lanny  (English)
Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
Lansa  (Native American)
Lance (Hopi)
Lanston  (English)
From the Long Estate
Lantz  (Yiddish)
Lanu  (Native American)
Refers to Tribal Custom
Lany  (Irish)
Lanzo  (Italian)
Form of Lance
Laochailan  (Scottish)
Laocoon  (Greek)
Son of Priam
Laodicea  (Biblical)
Just People
Laoghaire  (Irish)
Laoidhigh  (Irish)
Laomedon  (Greek)
Father of Priam
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 250 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Enric | Walburga | Leiriope | Melissa | Bailefour | Dewey | Stearn | Ravikiran | Sarff | Kayleon | Phillippa | Badarinath | Makeen | Ibon | Rahil |