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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 260 of 422) 

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Luduvico  (German)
Famous Fighter
Ludvik  (Swedish)
Famous Warrior
Ludwig  (German)
Famous Fighter
Ludwik  (German)
Famous Fighter
Lueius  (Arthurian Legend)
A Roman Emperor
Lufian  (Anglo Saxon)
Lufti  (Arabic)
Lug  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Luke 'Light'
Lugaidh  (Irish)
Famous Warrior
Lughaidh  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luhith  (Biblical)
Made of Boards
Luigi  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luiginw  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luis  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luitpold  (Teutonic)
Bold for His People
Lujan  (Polish)
Polish Form of Lucian 'Lright'
Luk  (Latin)
Luka  (Latin)
Lukacs  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Lucas 'Light'
Lukas  (Swedish)
Brings Light
Lukasha  (Latin)
Lukasz  (Polish)
Polish Form of Lucas 'Light'
Luke  (Greek)
Light Giving. from Lucania (Lucania Was a District of Ancient Italy). Luke Was the Author of the Acts of the Apostles and of the Third Gospel in the New Testament, the Patron Saint of Doctors and Arti
Luken  (Basque)
Bringer of Light
Luki  (German)
Famous Fighter
Lukman  (Egyptian)
A Prophet
Lukyan  (Russian)
Bringer of Light (Lukasha,Luka)
Lun  (Irish)
Lunden  (Anglo Saxon)
From London
Lundie  (Scottish)
From the Island Grove
Lundy  (Scottish)
From the Island Grove
Lunn  (Irish)
Lunt  (Norse)
From the Grove
Luqmaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Luqman: the Biblical Aesep is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Luqman  (Muslim)
The Biblical Aesep is the English Language Equivalent. A Prophet's Name
Lusila  (Indian)
Lusio  (Native American)
Bringer of Light
Lut  (Muslim)
The Biblical Lot is the English Language Equivalent
Lutfi  (Muslim)
Kind and Friendly
Luthais  (Gaelic)
Famous in Battle
Luthando  (Latin)
Luther  (Teutonic)
Famous in War
Lutz  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luvya  (English)
A Combination of Two Words Love Ya
Luxovious  (Celtic)
Mythical God of Luxeuil
Luyu  (American)
To Shake the Head
Luz  (Biblical)
Separation, Departure, an Almond
Luzige  (Egyptian)
Lyaksandro  (Ukrainian)
Defender of Man
Lyall  (Scottish)
Surname Meaning Loyal
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 260 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Varsha | Marlin | Charmian | Simona | Kathryne | Rylee | Cermak | Wolfe | Greger | Shiloh | Ernesta | Donnan | Hilda | Frederik | Kele |