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Boy Baby Names, Meanings

21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 278 of 422) 

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Melchi-shua  (Biblical)
King of Health; Magnificent King
Melchiah  (Biblical)
God is My King
Melchior  (Polish)
A King
Melchizedek  (Biblical)
King of Justice
Melchoir  (Hebrew)
Meldon  (English)
From the Hillside Mill
Meldrick  (English)
From the Powerful Mill
Meldrik  (English)
From the Powerful Mill
Meldryk  (English)
From the Powerful Mill
Mele  (Hawaiian)
Melea  (Biblical)
Supplying, Supplied
Meleagant  (Arthurian Legend)
Kidnapped Guinevere
Meleager  (Greek)
An Argonaut
Melecertes  (Greek)
Son of Ino
Melech  (Biblical)
King; Counselor
Melechan  (Arthurian Legend)
Mordred's Son
Meliadus  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Father
Meliodas  (Arthurian Legend)
Tristan's Father
Melita  (Biblical)
Affording Honey
Meliza  (Greek)
Bee. Melissa Was Mythological Princess of Crete Who Was Transformed to a Bee After Learning How to Collect Honey
Melker  (Swedish)
Mellicu  (Biblical)
His Kingdom; His Counselor
Melrone  (Irish)
Serves Saint Ruadhan
Melun  (Shakespearean)
'King John' a French Lord
Melvern  (American)
Great Chief
Melville  (Scottish)
A Scottish Surname Based on a French Place Name
Melvin  (Irish)
Melvon  (English)
Meaning Uncertain But Possibly 'Friend of Michael.'
Melvyn  (Irish)
Melwas  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a King
Melyon  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Mordred
Melzar  (Biblical)
Circumcision of a Narrow Place, or of a Bond
Memnon  (Latin)
Killed by Achilles in the Trojan War
Mempbis  (Egyptian)
From Memphis
Memphis  (Biblical)
Abode of the Good
Memucan  (Biblical)
Impoverished, to Prepare, Certain, True
Menachem  (Hebrew)
Menahem  (Biblical)
Comforter, Who Conducts Them, Preparation of Heat
Menan  (Biblical)
Numbered, Rewarded, Prepared
Menas  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Pompey
Menassah  (Hebrew)
Mendel  (Hebrew)
Scholarly Accomplishments
Mendeley  (Russian)
Comforter of the Mind
Mene  (Biblical)
Who Reckons or is Counted
Menecrates  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Pompey
Menelaus  (Greek)
Brother of Agamemnon
Menenius  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Menenius Agrippa, Friend to Coriolanus
Menes  (Egyptian)
Name of a King
Menkaura  (Egyptian)
Name of a Pharaoh
Menoeceus  (Greek)
Father of Jocasta
21074 names found for "Boy"   (page 278 of 422) 

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Additional Names

Eoghan | Hagan | Mithil | Eustatius | Alfons | Denzel | Moya | Aeneas | Chakor | Whitlaw | Shania | Lina | Aleksy | Varsha | Bruce |