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Baby names beginning with "C"

2531 names found for "C"   (page 46 of 51) 

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Cozette  (French)
Little Pet (Cosette)
Cradawg  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Bran
Craddock  (Welsh)
Affection; Beloved
Cradoe  (Welsh)
Cragen  (Welsh)
Craig  (Scottish)
Dweller by the Crag; Derived from the Gaelic Creag (Rugged Rocks, Crag): Hence, 'Dweller by the Crag.' Variations: Craigg
Crandal  (English)
Variant of Crandall: Crane Valley
Crandall  (English)
From the Crane Valley
Crandell  (English)
From the Crane Valley
Cranleah  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Cranleigh  (English)
Variant of Cranley: Crane Meadow
Cranley  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Cranly  (English)
From the Crane Meadow
Cranmer  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Archbishop of Canterbury
Crannog  (Scottish)
Lake Dweller
Cranston  (English)
From the Crane Estate
Cranstun  (English)
From the Crane Estate
Crawford  (English)
From the Crow's Ford
Crayton  (Scottish)
Border Dweller
Creag  (Gaelic)
Dwells at the Crag
Creda  (English)
Cree  (Native American)
Tribe Name
Creed  (English)
Belief; Guiding Principle
Creedon  (Irish)
A Surname Meaning 'Belief; Guiding Principle.'
Creiddylad  (Welsh)
Jewel of the Sea
Creiddyladl  (Arthurian Legend)
Daughter of Llud
Creighton  (Scottish)
A Person from Crichton, a Town in Southeastern Scotland
Creissant  (French)
To Create
Creketun  (English)
Lives at the Creek Town
Creola  (American)
Native to the Land, Creole
Creon  (Greek)
Prince. Jocasta's Brother
Crepin  (Latin)
Variant of Crispin: Curly-haired
Crescens  (Biblical)
Growing, Increasing
Crescens  (Biblical)
Growing, Increasing
Crescent  (French)
To Create
Crescent  (English)
To Grow
Crescentia  (Latin)
Crespin  (English)
Curly-haired. The 3rd Century Martyr St. Crispin is Known As Patron of Shoemakers
Cressida  (Greek)
Origin Origin. Cresside Was the Faithless Mistress of Troilus in Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida'
Cresswell  (English)
Watercress River
Creswell  (English)
Variant of Cresswell: Watercress River
Crete  (Biblical)
Carnal, Fleshly
Crete  (Biblical)
Carnal, Fleshly
Cretien  (French)
Creusa  (Greek)
Daughter of Erechtheus
Crevan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Crichton  (English)
From the Town by the Creek
Cricket  (American)
Loud Insect of the Night
Criosaidh  (Gaelic)
A Follower of Christ; a Gaelic Form of Chrissie, a Pet Form of Christina and Christine. (Kris-see)
Criostoir  (Gaelic)
Christ Bearer
2531 names found for "C"   (page 46 of 51) 

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