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Baby names beginning with "C"

2531 names found for "C"   (page 48 of 51) 

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Crosby  (English)
By the Cross
Crosland  (English)
Literally 'Cross Land'
Croslea  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Crosleah  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosleigh  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosley  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crosly  (English)
From the Cross Meadow
Crossland  (English)
Variant of Crosland: Literally 'Cross Land'
Crossley  (English)
Variant of Crosley: Meadow With a Cross
Crow Hreidar  (Norse)
Son of Ofeig Dangle Beard
Crowley  (Irish)
Hunch Backed
Crowther  (English)
Fiddle Player
Croydon  (English)
Surname and Place-name
Cruadhlaoich  (Irish)
Hunch Backed
Cruim  (Scottish)
Cruz  (Portuguese)
Crwys  (Welsh)
Crysta  (Greek)
Anointed One; a Christian
Crystal  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Christopher
Crystal  (Latin)
A Clear, Brilliant Glass
Csilla  (Hebrew)
Ctesippus  (Greek)
One of Penelope's Suitors
Ctibor  (Czech)
An Honourable Fight
Ctik  (Czech)
Variant of Ctibor: an Honourable Fight
Ctislav  (Czech)
Variant of Ceslav: Glorious Honour
Cuanaic  (Irish)
Cuartio  (Spanish)
Born Fourth
Cuarto  (Spanish)
Born Fourth
Cubert  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Daere
Cuchulain  (Celtic)
Mythical Hound of Ulster
Cuddle  (Scottish)
This Diminutive of Cuthbert May Have Given Rise to the Scottish Dialect Word 'Cuddy', Meaning Donkey
Cuddy  (Scottish)
This Diminutive of Cuthbert May Have Given Rise to the Scottish Dialect Word 'Cuddy', Meaning Donkey
Cuilean  (Gaelic)
Cuini  (Gaelic)
Cuinn  (Celtic)
Cuithbeart  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Cuithbrig  (English)
Variant of Cuthbert: Famous
Culain  (Celtic)
Mythical Smith
Culann  (Celtic)
Mythical Smith
Culbart  (English)
Culbert  (Teutonic)
Cool and Inteiligent
Culhwch  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Nephew
Cullan  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullen  (Celtic)
A Pet Name for a Cub, Young Animal
Cullent  (Irish)
Culley  (English)
Diminutive of Culver: Dove
Cullin  (Irish)
Good-looking Lad. Also a Variant of Cullent: Holly
Cullo  (Irish)
Hound of Ulster
Culloden  (Scottish)
From the Nook of the Marsh
Cullodena  (Scottish)
From the Broken Mossy Ground
2531 names found for "C"   (page 48 of 51) 

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Additional Names

Vasya | Melisenda | Sidell | Evarado | Berwyn | Hodsone | Xander | Taki | Derell | Pazice | Imanol | Nachon | Gilberto | Ega | Chelluh |