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Baby names beginning with "J"

1539 names found for "J"   (page 17 of 31) 

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Jennine  (French)
Diminutive Form of Jane or Jeanne
Jennis  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Jennis  (American)
Wild Wave
Jennis  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Jenny  (English)
Diminutive of Jane: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John. Also a Variant of Jennifer: Fair and Yielding
Jenny-lee  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Jenny-lee  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Jennyann  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Jennyfer  (Celtic)
White Wave
Jennyver  (Celtic)
White Wave
Jeno  (Greek)
Well Bom
Jenralyn  (English)
Modern Blend of Jerry and Marilyn
Jenris  (Teutonic)
Sharp As a Spear
Jens  (Danish)
Danish Form of John
Jensen  (Scandinavian)
God is Gracious
Jensina  (Hebrew)
God Has Blessed
Jensine  (Hebrew)
God Has Blessed
Jenski  (English)
Coming Home
Jenson  (Scandinavian)
Variant of the Hebrew John 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.'
Jeny  (Polish)
Polish Form of George 'Farmer'
Jenyd  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jeoffroi  (French)
Divine Peace
Jeorjia  (English)
Modern Phonetic Variant of Georgia
Jeovana  (English)
Feminine of Giovanni; Variant of Jovana
Jeovani  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jeovanna  (English)
Feminine of Giovanni; Variant of Jovana
Jeovanni  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jeovany  (Latin)
Form of Jovan 'Father of the Sky.'
Jephtah  (Hebrew)
First Born
Jephthah  (Hebrew)
To Open. to Release. in the Old Testament, Jephthah Was a Leader of the Israelites and Was Obliged to Sacrifice His Only Daughter in Return for God's Help to Defeat the Ammonites
Jephunneh  (Biblical)
He That Beholds
Jer  (English)
Abbreviation of Names Beginning With 'Jer', Such As Jerad, Jerah, Jerald, Jeralyn, Jeramy, Jeran, and Jeremy
Jera  (American)
Jerad  (Hebrew)
Descending. A Pre-flood Biblical Name. The Character Jared on the Late Sixties Tv Western the Big Valley
Jerah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Seen. A Biblical Name. A Lunar Month; Also a Given Name
Jerahmeel  (Biblical)
The Mercy, or the Beloved, of God
Jerald  (English)
Variant and Surname Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Jeraldine  (English)
Variant of Geraldine
Jeraldo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jeralyn  (American)
Blend of Jerry and Marilyn (Jerelyn, Jerilyn, Jerrilyn)
Jeramie  (English)
Variant of Jeremiah in Use Since the Middle Ages
Jeramy  (English)
Variant of Jeremiah in Use Since the Middle Ages
Jeran  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jerande  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerard  (English)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.' English Surname
Jerardo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerebai  (Biblical)
Fighting, Chiding, Multiplying
Jerebai  (Biblical)
Fighting, Chiding, Multiplying
Jered  (Hebrew)
From Jared
Jerel  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
1539 names found for "J"   (page 17 of 31) 

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Additional Names

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