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Baby names beginning with "J"

1539 names found for "J"   (page 19 of 31) 

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Jerrell  (Contemporary)
Combination of Geraid and Darryl (Gerrell, Jarell, Jarrel, Jeryl, Jeniel)
Jerren  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jerrett  (English)
Spear Strong. Variant of Garrett
Jerric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrica  (American)
Honorable One Who Rules by the Spear
Jerrick  (Contemporary)
Combination of Jer and Derrick
Jerriel  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrilyn  (English)
Modern Blend of Jerry and Marilyn
Jerrin  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jerrod  (Hebrew)
Down to Earth
Jerrold  (Teutonic)
Strong With a Spear
Jerrolyn  (English)
The Contributor Says: it Doesn't Really Have a Meaning... it Was a Combination of My Name Jennifer and Her Father's Name Errol
Jerron  (English)
Modern Variant of Israeli Jaron 'Cry of Rejoicing.'
Jerry  (English)
A Diminutive of a Jeremiah, Jeremy, or Jerome, Also Used As an Independent Name. Also a Colloquial Term for a German Soldier. Famous Bearer: American Comedian-actor Jerry Lewis Was Born Joseph Levitch
Jerry  (English)
Diminutive of Geraldine: a Feminine Form of Gerald, Meaning Ruling Spear. Famous Bearer: the Earl of Surrey Wrote a Series of Love Poems Titled, 'The Fair Geraldine', to Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Jerryl  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jersey  (English)
From a Section of England
Jerubbaal  (Biblical)
He That Defends Baal; Let Baal Defend His Cause
Jerubbesheth  (Biblical)
Let the Idol of Confusion Defend Itself
Jeruel  (Biblical)
Fear, or Vision of God
Jeruel  (Biblical)
Fear, or Vision of God
Jerusalem  (Biblical)
Vision of Peace
Jerusha  (Biblical)
Banished, Possession, Inheritance
Jervis  (English)
Variant of the French Name Gervaise 'spearman.'
Jeryl  (English)
Strong; Open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell
Jerzyr  (Greek)
Jesaiah  (Biblical)
Health; or Salvation; of the Lord
Jeshebeab  (Biblical)
'sitting, or Captivity, of the Father'
Jesher  (Biblical)
Right, Singing
Jeshimon  (Biblical)
Solitude, Desolation
Jeshimon  (Biblical)
Solitude, Desolation
Jeshishai  (Biblical)
Ancient, Rejoicing Exceedingly
Jeshishai  (Biblical)
Ancient, Rejoicing Exceedingly
Jeshohaia  (Biblical)
The Pressing; the Meditation of God
Jeshua  (Biblical)
A Savior; a Deliverer
Jesiah  (Biblical)
Sprinkling of the Lord
Jesimae  (American)
Wealthy and Bitter
Jesimiel  (Biblical)
Naming; or Astonishment; of God
Jeslyn  (American)
Blessed With Wealth and Beauty
Jesper  (Swedish)
Jess  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jesse: Jehovah Exists
Jess  (Hebrew)
Jess  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jessica: Rich. God Beholds. The Daughter of Shylock in Shakespeare's Play 'The Merchant of Venice'
Jessamina  (French)
Jessamine  (French)
Jessamyn  (Arabic)
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
Jesse  (English)
Gift, Wealth; Derived from the Hebrew Yishai, Which is from Yishai (Gift, Wealthy). The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Father of King David. Short Name: Jess. (Jes-see)
Jesse  (Hebrew)
God Exists
Jessenia  (Arabic)
Jessey  (Hebrew)
Variant of Jesse: Jehovah Exists
1539 names found for "J"   (page 19 of 31) 

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Additional Names

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