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Baby names beginning with "P"

1220 names found for "P"   (page 11 of 25) 

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Penny  (Greek)
Flower. Also a Diminutive of Penelope: Bobbin
Penrith  (Anglo Saxon)
From Penrith
Penrod  (German)
Famous Commander
Pensee  (French)
Pentapolis  (Biblical)
Five Cities
Pentapolis  (Biblical)
Five Cities
Pentateuch  (Biblical)
The Five Books of Moses
Pentateuch  (Biblical)
The Five Books of Moses
Pentecost  (Biblical)
Pentecost  (Biblical)
Penthea  (Greek)
Born Fifth
Penthesilea  (Greek)
A Queen of the Amazons
Pentheus  (Greek)
A King of Thebes
Penthia  (Greek)
Born Fifth
Penton  (English)
From the Enclosed Farm
Penuel  (Biblical)
Face or Vision of God, That Sees God
Penvro  (Welsh)
From Pembroke
Peony  (Greek)
Peor  (Biblical)
Hole, Opening
Peor  (Biblical)
Hole, Opening
Pepe  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Joseph 'He Shall Add'
Pephredo  (Latin)
Pephredo  (Greek)
Pepik  (Czechoslovakian)
God Will Add
Pepillo  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Joseph 'He Shall Add'
Pepin  (German)
Pepita  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add and Give Increase
Pepper  (American)
From the Pepper Plant
Pepperell  (French)
Peppi  (German)
Peppin  (French)
Name of a King
Peppino  (Italian)
Italian Form of Joseph 'He Adds'
Per  (German)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Perahta  (German)
Perazim  (Biblical)
Perazim  (Biblical)
Perce  (English)
Diminutive of Percival: Pierces the Valley. One of the Knights of the Round Table Who Searched for the Holy Grail (In Arthurian Legend)
Perceval  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Percival  (Celtic)
Companion of the Chalice, Urbane, Pompous, Audacious
Percy  (English)
Diminutive of Percival: Pierces the Valley
Percyvelle  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Perdita  (Latin)
Lost Woman
Perdix  (Latin)
Sister of Daedalus
Perdlx  (Greek)
Killed by His Uncle
Perdy  (Latin)
From Perdita
Peredur  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Evrawg
Peredwus  (Arthurian Legend)
Name of a King
Peregrina  (Latin)
Peregrine  (Latin)
Peregrine  (Latin)
Foreigner; Stranger; Pilgrim; Traveler; Wanderer
1220 names found for "P"   (page 11 of 25) 

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Additional Names

Mahali | Kerrttu | Ophir | Garadin | Andra | Lapidos | Linda | Kamali | Naiadia | Grayvesone | Wade | Whitby | Hannah | Floria | Syntyche |