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Baby names beginning with "P"

1220 names found for "P"   (page 16 of 25) 

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Phoenix  (Greek)
A Bird That Built Its Own Pyre and Then Was Reborn from the Ashes
Phoenix  (Greek)
Rising Bird
Phoenix  (Greek)
Phoeve  (Greek)
Shining, Brilliant, Passionate, Restive
Phomello  (African)
Phong  (Vietnamese)
Not Available
Phoolendu  (Indian)
full moon
Phorcys  (Greek)
A Sea God
Phrixus  (Greek)
Son of Nephele
Phrygia  (Biblical)
Dry; Barren
Phrynia  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens'
Phrysia  (Latin)
Head Goddess of Cybele
Phuc  (Vietnamese)
Phuoc  (Vietnamese)
Phuong  (Vietnamese)
Phurah  (Biblical)
That Bears Fruit; or Grows
Phygellus  (Biblical)
Phygellus  (Biblical)
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Phylicia  (Greek)
Phylis  (Greek)
Green Bough
Phyliss  (Greek)
Green Leaf
Phyllida  (Greek)
Loving. Can Also Be a Variant of Phyllis: Leafy Foliage; Green Bough
Phyllis  (Greek)
Cluster of Leaves, Foliage, Attractive, Determined. (Phyl, Phylis, Philis)
Phylo  (Greek)
Phylo  (Latin)
Handmaiden of Helen
Phyre  (Armenian)
Burning Bright
Pi-beseth  (Biblical)
Abode of the Goddess Bahest or Bast
Pi-hahiroth  (Biblical)
The Mouth, the Pass of Hiroth
Pi-hahiroth  (Biblical)
The Mouth, the Pass of Hiroth
Pia  (Italian)
Piaras  (Gaelic)
Piarres  (Greek)
Picaworth  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Estate
Picford  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Ford
Pickford  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Ford
Pickworth  (English)
From the Woodcutter's Estate
Picus  (Latin)
Father of Faunus
Pier  (French)
Form of Pierre
Piera  (French)
Small Rock
Pierce  (Irish)
Form of Piers from Peter
Pierce  (French)
Form of Peter
Pierette  (Greek)
Piero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pierpont  (Latin)
Dwells by the Stone Bridge
Pierre  (French)
A Rock
Pierrel  (English)
Little Rock
Pierrepont  (Latin)
Dwells by the Stone Bridge
Pierretta  (French)
Feminine Form of Pierre
1220 names found for "P"   (page 16 of 25) 

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Additional Names

Waydell | Miamin | Colley | Naqeeb | Greger | Adalric | Achyuta | Donnelly | Amber | Keertan | Magdala | Dawson | Abedabun | Adine | Napayshni |