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Baby names beginning with "P"

1220 names found for "P"   (page 3 of 25) 

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Palmere  (English)
Palmiera  (Hispanic)
Palm Tree
Palmira  (Spanish)
From the City of Palms
Palmyra  (Latin)
Palm Tree
Paloma  (Spanish)
A Dove
Palomydes  (Arthurian Legend)
A Knight
Palsmedes  (Arthurian Legend)
A Knight
Palt el  (Hebrew)
God Liberates
Palti  (Biblical)
Deliverance, Flight
Palti  (Hebrew)
My Escape, Deliverance
Paltiel  (Biblical)
Deliverance; or Banishment; of God
Pam  (English)
Diminutive of Pamela: Name Invented in the Th Century for a Heroine of the Book 'Arcadia', by Sir Philip Sidney
Pamela  (Greek)
Pamelia  (Greek)
Covered With Honey
Pamelina  (Latin)
Made of Honey
Pameline  (Latin)
Made of Honey
Pamella  (Latin)
Made of Honey
Pammeli  (Latin)
Made of Honey
Pampapati  (Hindu)
Viroopaksha, Lord of the Pampa River
Pamphylia  (Biblical)
A Nation Made Up of Every Tribe
Pamphylia  (Biblical)
A Nation Made Up of Every Tribe
Pamuy  (Native American)
Water Moon (Hopi)
Pan  (Greek)
God of Flocks
Panagiota  (Greek)
All Holy
Panagiotis  (Greek)
All or Holy
Pananjay  (Hindu)
Panchika  (Indian)
Husband of Abhirati
Panchito  (Teutonic)
Pancho  (Spanish)
Nickname for Francisco and Frank
Pancratius  (Greek)
Supreme Ruler
Pandara  (Indian)
Pandareos  (Greek)
A Thief
Pandarus  (Latin)
A Trojan Soldier
Pander  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' a Pander
Pandita  (Hindu)
Pandora  (Greek)
All-gift. in Greek Mythology, Pandora's Curiosity Led Her to Open a Mysterious Box, Thereby Releasing Misery and Hope into the World
Pandu  (Indian)
Pandulph  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Cardinal Pandulph, the Pope's Legate
Panduranga  (Indian)
one with pale white complexion
Pani  (Indian)
Paniz  (Persian)
Pankaj  (Hindu)
Pankaja  (Hindu)
Pankhuri  (Hindu)
Pannoowau  (Native American)
He Lies (Algonquin)
Panos  (Greek)
Panphila  (Greek)
All Loving
Pansy  (English)
After the Flower by the Same Name. Pansy is Not Popular Today As a Result of Its Use As a Slang Term for a Homosexual or an Effeminate Man
Pant  (Arthurian Legend)
Father of Lancelot
Panteleimon  (Greek)
1220 names found for "P"   (page 3 of 25) 

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Additional Names

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