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Baby names beginning with "P"

1220 names found for "P"   (page 9 of 25) 

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Peadair  (Greek)
Peadar  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Peter
Peader  (Gaelic)
A Rock, Stone; Popular Gaelic Form of Peter (A Rock, a Stone). Pet Name: Peidearan. (Pee-der)
Pearce  (English)
Form of Piers from Peter
Pearl  (Latin)
A Gem of the Sea
Pearla  (Latin)
Pearle  (Latin)
Pearlie  (English)
Diminutive of Pearl: Pearl (After the Name of the Semi-precious Jewel)
Pearlina  (Latin)
Pearline  (Latin)
Pearly  (Greek)
A Jewel
Pearroc  (English)
Of the Forest
Pearson  (Irish)
Form of Piers from Peter
Peaseblossom  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' a Fairy
Pebbles  (American)
Small Rocks
Pedahzur  (Biblical)
'strong or Powerful Savior, Stone of Redemption'
Pedaiah  (Biblical)
Redemption of the Lord
Pedar  (Danish)
Danish Form of Peter
Peder  (Greek)
Pedr  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pedra  (Spanish)
Pedrine  (Danish)
Feminine of Pedar
Pedro  (Spanish)
A Rock
Peer  (German)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Peers  (English)
A Rock
Peetamber  (Hindu)
Yellow Silk Cloth
Peg  (English)
Diminutive of Margaret Which Developed from Rhyming With Meg
Pegasus  (Greek)
Winged Horse
Pegeen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From Margareta, Pearl
Peggy  (Persian)
Diminutive of Margaret: Child of Light. Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Peigi  (Gaelic)
A Pearl;A Gaelic Form of Peggy, a Pet Form of Margaret Modeled After Meggie. (Peg-gee)
Peirce  (English)
Peirene  (Latin)
Lover of Poseidon
Peisistratus  (Greek)
Son of Nestor
Peissawg  (Welsh)
Legendary King of Brittany
Pekah  (Biblical)
He That Opens; That is at Liberty
Pekahiah  (Biblical)
It is the Lord That Opens
Pekar  (Czechoslovakian)
Pekelo  (Hawaiian)
Pekka  (Greek)
Pekod  (Biblical)
Noble; Rulers
Pelagia  (Greek)
Dweller by the Sea
Pelaiah  (Biblical)
The Lord's Secret or Miracle
Pelaiah  (Biblical)
The Lord's Secret or Miracle
Pelaliah  (Biblical)
Entreating the Lord
Pelatiah  (Biblical)
Let the Lord Deliver; Deliverance of the Lord
Peleg  (Biblical)
A Brook / a Sect
Peleg  (Biblical)
Pelethites  (Biblical)
Judges; Destroyers
Peleus  (Greek)
Father of Achilles
1220 names found for "P"   (page 9 of 25) 

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Additional Names

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