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Baby names beginning with "S"

2573 names found for "S"   (page 26 of 52) 

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Sheakia  ()
Origin Unknown
Shear-jashub  (Biblical)
The Remnant Shall Return
Sheariah  (Biblical)
Gate of the Lord, Tempest of the Lord
Sheary  (Irish)
Irish Form of Geoffrey 'Peace from God'
Sheba  (Biblical)
Captivity; Old Man; Repose; Oath
Sheba  (Biblical)
Captivity; Repose; Oath
Shebam  (Biblical)
Compassing About; Old Men
Shebaniah  (Biblical)
The Lord That Converts; or Recalls from Captivity
Shebarim  (Biblical)
Breakings, Hopes
Shebarim  (Biblical)
Breakings, Hopes
Sheber  (Biblical)
Breaking, Hope
Shebna  (Biblical)
'Who Rests Himself, Who is Now Captive'
Shebuel  (Biblical)
Turning; or Captivity; or Seat; of God
Shecaniah  (Biblical)
Habitation of the Lord
Shechem  (Biblical)
Part, Portion, Back Early in the Morning
Shedeur  (Biblical)
Field of Light, Light of the Almighty
Sheedy  (Irish)
Sheehan  (Irish)
Little Peaceful One
Sheehan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sheelagh  (Latin)
Variant of Celia: from the Latin Caelia, Which is a Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Caelius, Meaning Heavenly, or of the Heavens. Also a Variant or Dimintitive of Cecilia. Famous Bearer: British
Sheelah  (Irish)
Irish Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheelavanth  (Hindu)
Virtuous Man
Sheena  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Sheera  (Hebrew)
A Song
Sheereen  (Muslim)
Variant of Shirin: Sweet. Pleasant
Sheet  (Hindu)
Coldness. Origin: Sanskrit
Sheetal  (Hindu)
Sheeth  (Muslim)
The Biblical Seth is the English Language Equivalent
Sheffield  (English)
From the Crooked Field
Shehariah  (Biblical)
Mourning or Blackness of the Lord
Shehariah  (Biblical)
Mourning or Blackness of the Lord
Sheikh  (Muslim)
Variant of Shaikh: Head. Chieftain. Teacher
Sheil  (Indian)
Sheila  (English)
Divine Place (Sheelah, Sheilah, Shelia)
Sheilah  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Sheiling  (Scottish)
From the Summer Pasture
Sheiramoth  (Hebrew)
From Heaven
Shel  (English)
From the Name Sheldon
Shelagh  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Shelah  (Biblical)
That Breaks, That Unties, That Undresses
Shelby  (English)
Cliff Farm. Origin: Irish
Shelby  (English)
A Sheltered Town
Shelden  (English)
Deep Valley
Sheldon  (English)
Deep Valley (Shelden, Shelton)
Shelemiah  (Biblical)
God is My Perfection; My Happiness; My Peace
Sheleph  (Biblical)
Who Draws Out
Shelesh  (Biblical)
Captain; Prince
Shelley  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Meadow
Shelley  (English)
Meadow on a Ledge
Shelley  (Anglo Saxon)
From the Ledge Meadow
2573 names found for "S"   (page 26 of 52) 

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Additional Names

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