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Baby names beginning with "S"

2573 names found for "S"   (page 28 of 52) 

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Sheree  (Contemporary)
Dear/Dearest Adapted from Cherie
Shereef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Sherene Aquila  (Islamic)
Sweet & Intelligent
Sheri  (Hebrew)
From Sharon
Sheridan  (Gaelic)
Sheridan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sherif  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Sherine  (Hebrew)
From Sharon
Sherise  (Greek)
From the Name Charisse
Sherlock  (English)
Sherman  (English)
Cloth Cutter
Shermon  (English)
Variant of Sherman Meaning 'shireman' or 'shearman.'
Sheron  (Irish)
Irish Form of Geoffrey
Sherri  (Hebrew)
Sherry  (Hebrew)
Sherwin  (Anglo Saxon)
Quick As the Wind
Sherwood  (English)
From the Bright Forest
Sherwyn  (Anglo Saxon)
Quick As the Wind
Sheryl  (English)
Shesh  (Hindu)
Shesha  (Indian)
King of Serpents
Sheshach  (Biblical)
Bag of Flax or Linen
Sheshach  (Biblical)
Bag of Flax or Linen
Sheshadri  (Hindu)
Tirumala Hills
Sheshai  (Biblical)
Six, Mercy, Flax
Sheshan  (Biblical)
Lily, Rose, Joy, Flax
Sheshan  (Biblical)
Lily, Rose, Joy, Flax
Sheshashayan  (Hindu)
Sheshbazzar  (Biblical)
Joy in Tribulation, Joy of the Vintage
Sheshbazzar  (Biblical)
Joy in Tribulation, Joy of the Vintage
Sheshebens  (Native American)
Little Duck
Shet  (Hebrew)
Shetan  (Indian)
A Demon
Shethar  (Biblical)
Putrefied, Searching
Shethar  (Biblical)
Putrefied, Searching
Shethar-boznai  (Biblical)
That Makes to Rot, That Seeks Those Who Despise Me
Shethar-boznai  (Biblical)
That Makes to Rot, That Seeks Those Who Despise Me
Sheva  (Biblical)
Vanity, Elevation, Fame, Tumult
Shey  (Irish)
Variant of Shea: Courteous
Shibboleth  (Biblical)
Ear of Corn, Stream or Flood
Shibboleth  (Biblical)
Ear of Corn, Stream or Flood
Shibi  (Hindu)
An Emperor
Shibmah  (Biblical)
Overmuch Captivity, or Sitting
Shibmah  (Biblical)
Overmuch Captivity, or Sitting
Shicron  (Biblical)
Drunkenness; His Gift; His Wages
Shiela  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Shields  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Loyal Protector
Shifra  (Hebrew)
Shige  (Japanese)
Shiggaion  (Biblical)
A Song of Trouble or Comfort
2573 names found for "S"   (page 28 of 52) 

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Additional Names

Aquanetta | Zif | Reginhard | Willard | Matthanias | Bourey | Auberta | Clemente | Mirna | Lareina | Regin | Merta | Mahon | Gad | Chrissy |