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Names That Mean Abel |
192 names found for "Abel" (page 2 of 4) |
Looking for names that mean Abel? We couldn't find the exact name Abel, but listed below are some first names meaning Abel or names similar to the word Abel.
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Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-oth Century
Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-oth Century
Derived from 'Orabilis' Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Famous Bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart Was Cousin of King James Vi of Scotland. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Derived from 'Orabilis' Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Famous Bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart Was Cousin of King James Vi of Scotland. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Name of Uncertain Etymology. Believed to Be Derived from a Norman Name Derived from the Element Arn (Eagle) or Arin (A Hearth). Some Believe it a Variant of Annabel. Variations: Arabel, Arabell, Orabe
Name of Uncertain Etymology. Believed to Be Derived from a Norman Name Derived from the Element Arn (Eagle) or Arin (A Hearth). Some Believe it a Variant of Annabel. Variations: Arabel, Arabell, Orabe
Derived from 'Orabilis' Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Famous Bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart Was Cousin of King James Vi of Scotland. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Derived from 'Orabilis' Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Famous Bearer: Lady Arabella Stuart Was Cousin of King James Vi of Scotland. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Thought to Be a Compound of Arabella and Aminta, Invented by Restoration Dramatist Sir John Vanbrugh
Thought to Be a Compound of Arabella and Aminta, Invented by Restoration Dramatist Sir John Vanbrugh
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
A Diminutive of Isabella. Also a Diminutive of Annabella and Arabella Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
A Diminutive of Isabella. Also a Diminutive of Annabella and Arabella Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Diminutive of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World in the Th Century. The Form Annabelle Becam
Spear; Possessed. in the Bible Cain Was the First Murderer Having Killed His Brother Abel in a Fit of Jealousy
Spear; Possessed. in the Bible Cain Was the First Murderer Having Killed His Brother Abel in a Fit of Jealousy
Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Famous Bearers: S. T. Coleridge's Poem Christabel; British Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst
Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Famous Bearers: S. T. Coleridge's Poem Christabel; British Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst