Looking for names that mean Abel? We couldn't find the exact name Abel, but listed below are some first names meaning Abel or names similar to the word Abel.
Isabel(Spanish) Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Isabel(English) God is Oath; Derived from the Spanish Isabella, a Version of Elizabeth. Variations: Isbel, Isobel; Iseabail, Ishbel (Gaelic). (Is-ah-bel)
Isabel(Shakespearean) 'King Henry V' Queen of France
Isabel(Hebrew) Oath of God, Modest, Eloquent, Charming
Isabel(English) Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Isabel(Latin) Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Isabela(Spanish) Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Isabelita(Spanish) From Isabel Meaning Oath of God
Jennabel(English) Modern Variant of Jenny and Jennifer
Katherine(Shakespearean) 'King Henry V' Daughter to Charles and Isabel, King and Queen of France
Kristabelle(Greek) Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Kristabelle(English) Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Kristabelle(Greek) Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Krystabelle(English) Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Krystabelle(Greek) Variant of Crystal. Sparkling. 'K' from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos
Mabel(Latin) Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Mabella(Latin) Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Mabella(English) Variant of Mabel: Diminutive of Amabel: Lovable
Mabelle(Latin) Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable