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Names That Mean Ally

231 names found for "Ally"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Ally? We couldn't find the exact name Ally, but listed below are some first names meaning Ally or names similar to the word Ally.

Similar Names

Aelle | Ail | Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Ali | All | Allie |

Related Names

Lance  (French)
Land (From Old German) the Short Form of the Name Lancelot (Which Incidentally Was Derived Originally from the Name Lance!) Therefore, This Name is the Short Form of Its Own Diminutive
Launce  (French)
Variant of Lance: Land (From Old German) the Short Form of the Name Lancelot (Which Incidentally Was Derived Originally from the Name Lance!) Therefore, This Name is the Short Form of Its Own Diminuti
Leroy  (French)
The King (From 'Le Roi'). Originally a Surname, it is Now More Common As a First Name
Lindsay  (Scottish)
A Lake; a Place of Linden Trees. from the Island of the Lime Tree. Once Regarded As a Masculine Name, Lindsay Was Eventually Used for Children of Both Genders. Today, Girls are Given This Name More Fr
Lindsey  (Scottish)
Variant of Lindsay: a Lake; a Place of Linden Trees. from the Island of the Lime Tree. Once Regarded As a Masculine Name, Lindsay Was Eventually Used for Children of Both Genders. Today, Girls are Giv
Loveday  (English)
Name Given to Children That are Born on a Love Day. A Love Day Was a Th Century Tradition - a Day Set Aside for Reconciliation and Settling of Disputes. Today, This Name is Found Occasionally As a Sur
Lynsey  (Scottish)
Variant of Lindsay: a Lake; a Place of Linden Trees. from the Island of the Lime Tree. Once Regarded As a Masculine Name, Lindsay Was Eventually Used for Children of Both Genders. Today, Girls are Giv
Macduff  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Macduff, Thane of Fife, a Nobleman of Scotland Who Finally Kills Macbeth
Manprasad  (Indian)
mentally calm and cool person
Marcelina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelinda  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcellina  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marcelyn  (Latin)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marchelle  (French)
Of Mars. Mars Was Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maria  (Norse)
Name Not Originally Norse But it Appears in Several Sagas and is the Name of King Harald Sigurdsson's Daughter
Maricel  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricelia  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Maricella  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Marisela  (Spanish)
Variant of Marcella: of Mars. Mars Was the Mythological Roman God of Fertility for Whom the Month March Was Named; Mythologically Identified With the Greek War God Ares
Mina  (Scottish)
A Short Form of Calumina and Normina. Calumina is a Feminine Form of Calum (Dove) and Normina is a Feminine for of Norman( Norseman). Mina is Also Occasionally Used As an Independent Given Name. (Mee-
Montagu  (French)
Variant of Montague: Pointed Hill. Steep Mountain. More Commonly Found As a Surname, Although Used Occasionally As a First Name
Montague  (French)
Pointed Hill. Steep Mountain. More Commonly Found As a Surname, Although Used Occasionally As a First Name
Nally  (Irish)
Nana  (African)
Your Highness (King/Queen. Its Usually Followed by Another Name E.G.. (Nana Kofi)
Natalee  (Latin)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalee  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalia  (Spanish)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Natalya  (Russian)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalee  (Latin)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalee  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalia  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathalie  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nathaly  (French)
Birthday; Especially the Birthday of Christ
Nevil  (French)
From the New Town. Originally a Surname, Since the Late Th Century Has Been Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearers: Novelist Nevil Shute
Neville  (French)
Variant of Nevil: from the New Village. Originally a Surname, Since the Late Th Century Has Been Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearers: Novelist Nevil Shute
Nityanand  (Indian)
perennially happy
Nona  (Latin)
Born Ninth. Traditionally Given to the Ninth Child in a Large Family
Octavia  (Latin)
Eight, Sociable, Placid, Just. Usually Culivates, Some Hobby
Octavius  (Latin)
Born Eighth. Octavius Was a Roman Clan Name, As Well As the Original Name of Emperor Augustus (Commonly Known As Octavian). Traditionally, This Name Was Given to the Eighth Child in a Large Family
Orla  (Irish)
One of True Beauty; Originally a Boy's Name from Denmark. it Was Presumably Left Behind in Ireland With Some Child of the Viking Raiders. in Denmark, Orla Means Strong and Manly
Patia  (Greek)
Intellectually Superior
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Phylacteries  (Biblical)
Things to Be Especially Observed
Rafeeq  (Muslim)
Variant of Rafiq: Kind. Ally
Rafiq  (Muslim)
Kind. Ally
Rally  (English)
From the Roe Deer Meadow
Rusell  (French)
Red. Russell Was Originally Given As a Nickname to People With Red Hair
Russ  (French)
Diminutive of Rusell: Red. Russell Was Originally Given As a Nickname to People With Red Hair. Also a Form of Rufus: Red-haired
231 names found for "Ally"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Additional Names

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