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Names That Mean Ally

231 names found for "Ally"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Ally? We couldn't find the exact name Ally, but listed below are some first names meaning Ally or names similar to the word Ally.

Similar Names

Aelle | Ail | Al | Ala | Alaa | Alai | Alao | Ali | All | Allie |

Related Names

Saga  (Norwegian)
Scandinavian Name, Coming from the Word Saga, Which Describes a Story, Usually a Detailed Story of an Ancient Viking Kings Life, Like Snores Saga
Sal  (English)
Diminutive of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Salena  (English)
Variant of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Salina  (English)
Variant of Sally (From Sarah: Princess)
Sally  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess
Sally  (English)
Diminutive of Sarah: Princess. Sally is Now Considered a Name in Its Own Right
Sally  (Hebrew)
Form of Sarah
Sally  (Hebrew)
Princess (Sallie)
Sanjeev  (Hindu)
Hanuman, Name of the Chief of Monkeys in Ramayana; the Ally of Lord Rama
Sarah  (Hebrew)
A Princess (Sara, Sari, Sally, Sarena, Sarita, Zara, Zarah)
Sarah  (Hebrew)
Princess. in the Bible, Sarah Was the Wife of Abraham and Mother of Isaac. Her Name Was Originally Sarai (Quarrelsome), But God Commanded That Her Name Be Changed to Sarah Before the Birth of Her Son
Swithin  (English)
Strong. St. Swithin Was the Bishop of Winchester in the Th Century. The Weather on St. Swithin's Day is Traditionally Expected to Remain the Same for the Following Forty Days
Talbot  (English)
Wood Sculptor (Tal, Talbert, Tally)
Tally  (Irish)
Tallys  (French)
Tennessee  (Native American)
Originally an Indian Place, Now a State
Terrian  (American)
Physically Strong, Ambitious
Thornton  (English)
Town of Thorns. Thorn Variants are English Surnames Occasionally Used As Given Names
Thornton  (Gaelic)
Town of Thorns. Thorn Variants are English Surnames Occasionally Used As Given Names
Tokiwa  (Japanese)
Eternally Constant
Walden  (English)
Woods (Wally, Waiter)
Walker  (English)
One That Walks, Especially a Contestant in a Footrace
Wallis  (English)
From Eales. Feminine Form of Wallace ( Wallie, Wally). Origin: Old English
Wally  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Wallace: Welshman; Stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish Hero Sir William Wallace (Executed in ).Welshman; Stranger
Wally  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Short for Wallace
Wally  (German)
Variant of Walter 'Rules; Conquers.'
Walter  (English)
Ruler of an Army; Short Forms: Walt. Pet Name: Wally. (Wahl-ter)
Walter  (Scottish)
Ruler of an Army; Short Forms: Walt. Pet Name: Wally. (Wahl-ter)
Webster  (English)
Weaver: '-ster' Ending on English Occupational Surnames Indicates the Work Was Originally a Female Occupation
Winifred  (Welsh)
Reconciled; Blessed. Historically Winifred Was a Martyred Welsh Princess; Traditionally the Patron Saint of Virgins
Zaheer  (Muslim)
Supporter. Ally
231 names found for "Ally"   (page 5 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Gertrudis | Jena | Farall | Seema | Roial | Vsn Eych | Tashi | Grahem | Nanelle | Sloan | Davie | Angelo | Jibril | Conrad | Dougal |