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Names That Mean Ande

429 names found for "Ande"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Ande? We couldn't find the exact name Ande, but listed below are some first names meaning Ande or names similar to the word Ande.

Similar Names

Amd | Amdt | Anad | Andi | Andy | Ante | Anat | Anate | Anda | Andee |

Related Names

OLes  (Polish)
Polish Form of Alexander 'Defends Mankind'
Olexa  (Czechoslovakian)
Feminine of Alexander
Olexa  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Olexa  (English)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Oliana  (Hawaiian)
From Oleander
Olof  (Swedish)
Oma  (Arabic)
Pander  (Shakespearean)
'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' a Pander
Papandrou  (Greek)
Son of Ander
Patroclus  (Shakespearean)
'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Penn  (German)
Penrod  (German)
Famous Commander
Peregrina  (Latin)
Peregrine  (Latin)
Peregrine  (Latin)
Foreigner; Stranger; Pilgrim; Traveler; Wanderer
Perry  (Latin)
Perry  (Latin)
Diminutive of Peregrine: Foreigner; Stranger; Pilgrim; Traveler; Wanderer
Phalgun  (Indian)
A month in Hindu Calander
Phil  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Philander  (Greek)
Lover of Man
Philander  (Greek)
Lover of Mankind
Philip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husband of Queen Elizabeth I
Pip  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Putnam  (English)
From the Commander's Estate
Randel  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Randell  (English)
Variants of Randolph 'Wolf's Shield.' Surname
Ravid  (Hebrew)
Reading  (English)
Son of the Auburn Wanderer (Redding, Reeding)
Rolande  (Teutonic)
Rolande  (German)
From the Famous Land
Rollande  (Teutonic)
Ronnie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Veronica: True Image; Honest Image. Biblical - from the Maiden Who Handed Christ Her Handkerchief on the Way to Calvary. His Likeness Miraculously Appeared on the Handkerchief, Thus She
Rover  (English)
Rovere  (English)
Ryker  (Dutch)
Surname Form of Richard. Commander Ryker from the Tv Show Star Trek: the Next Generation
Sacha  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Th Century Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Al
Sacha  (Russian)
Russian Feminine Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men
Sacha  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sachenka  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sachka  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Sandaidh  (Gaelic)
Defender, Helper of Mankinf; Gaelic Form of Sandy, Which is a Pet Form of Alexander. (San-dee)
Sande  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Sandeep  (Indian)
a lighted lamp
Sander  (Greek)
Defender of Man
Sanders  (English)
Alexander's Son (Sanderson, Sander, Saunders, Saunderson)
Sanders  (English)
Alexander's Son
Sanders  (Greek)
Defender of Man
Sanders  (Greek)
Son of Alexander
Sanderson  (English)
Alexander's Son
Sanderson  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
429 names found for "Ande"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Aholibah | Garvey | Avanindra | Devony | Ketaki | Antiochus | Aekerley | Nastassia | Stephanie | Karli | Nell | Valentine | Julien | Veronica | Hammond |