Looking for names that mean Ande? We couldn't find the exact name Ande, but listed below are some first names meaning Ande or names similar to the word Ande.
Abner(Hebrew) Father is Light, or Father of Light. The Old Testament Abner Was Saul's Cousin and Army Commander, a Clever Strategist. Abner Became Fashionable After the Reformation. 'Li'L Abner', Was the Hero of a
Achilles(Shakespearean) 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Ajax(Shakespearean) 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' a Greek Commander
Al(Gaelic) Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alandair(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Alexander
Alasdair(Scottish) Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alasdair(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alasdair(Gaelic) Defender of Mankind; Gaelic Form of Alexander. Variations: Alex
Alasdair(Gaelic) A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alastair(Gaelic) Variant of Alexander Defender of Mankind
Alastair(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alaster(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alec(Scottish) Abbreviation of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alec(Greek) Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alec(English) Originally a Diminutive of Alexander, Now Frequently Used As an Independent Name, Alec Became Very Popular Because of British Actor Sir Alec Guinness
Aleck(Scottish) Abbreviation of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alejandra(Spanish) Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Alejandro(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alejandro(Spanish) Spanish Form of Alexander Defends Mankind
Alejo(Greek) Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alek(Russian) Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alek(Greek) Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alekandero(Hawaiian) Variant of Alekanekelo: Protector
Aleko(Greek) Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alekos(Greek) Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alesandese(Basque) Basque Feminine Form of Alesander: Helper of Man
Alesandro(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alessandra(Italian) Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Alessandre(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alessandri(Greek) Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alessandro(Italian) Italian Form of Alexander Defender of Man
Alex(English) Abbreviation of Alexander Defender of Mankind
Alex(Greek) Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alex(Greek) Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain. British King Edward Vii's Wife Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Alexa(Greek) Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender of Men, Helper. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named
Alexa(English) Helper, Defender. Variant of Alexander
Alexander(Shakespearean) 'Henry Vi, Part ' Alexander Iden, a Kentish Gentleman. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' Servant to Cressida