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Names That Mean Andi

244 names found for "Andi"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Andi? We couldn't find the exact name Andi, but listed below are some first names meaning Andi or names similar to the word Andi.

Similar Names

Amadi | Amd | Amdt | Amundi | Anaadi | Anad | Ande | Andy | Ante | Antti |

Related Names

Hilda  (German)
Variant of Hildegarde: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildagarde  (German)
Variant of Hildegarde: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildegard  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hildegarde  (German)
Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hugh  (English)
Of Outstanding Mind (Hubert, Huey, Hughie, Hugo)
Hulda  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Hylda  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Ibneiah  (Biblical)
The Building of the Lord; the Understanding of the Lord; Son by Adoption
Ibniah  (Biblical)
The Building of the Lord; the Understanding of the Lord; Son by Adoption
Igor  (Russian)
Warrior of Peace. Ing's Warrior (Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility). from the Scandinavian Name Ingyar. Famous Bearer: Russian Composer Igor Stravinsky
Imperia  (Latin)
Ingram  (Scandinavian)
Raven of Peace; Ing's Raven. Ing Was a Mythological Scandinavian Hero
Iomhair  (Gaelic)
Archer, Bow Warrior; a Gaelic Form of Ivor, a Scottish Variant of the Scandinavian Ivar, a Compound Name Composed of the Old Norse Elements Yr (Yew, Bow) and Herr (Warrior, Army). Variations: Imhear,
Ivor  (Scottish)
Archer, Bow Warrior;A Scottish Form of Ivar, a Name Introduced by Scandinavian Settlers. it is Derived from the Old Norse Elements Yr (Yew, Bow) and Herr (Warrior, Army). Imhear, Lomhair, and Lomhar a
Jared  (Biblical)
A Ruling, Commanding, Coming Down
Jethro  (Hebrew)
Jethro  (Hebrew)
Outstanding, Excellent
Kandi  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandice  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandis  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandiss  (English)
Modern Variant of 'Candace' - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandiss  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kasmira  (Slavic)
Commanding Peace
Kazatimiru  (Slavic)
Commanding Peace
Khristeen  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristen  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristin  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristina  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristine  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina 'Christian'
Khristine  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristyana  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khristyna  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khrystina  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khrystyn  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Khrystyne  (Russian)
Variant of the Scandinavian Kristina: Christian
Kirsten  (Scandinavian)
Christian. Scandinavian Form of Christine
Kirstin  (Scottish)
A Christian; a Form of the Scandinavian Kirsten, Which is Derived from Christine. Pet Forms: Kirstie, Kirsty. (Keer-stin)
Kris  (Scandinavian)
Scandinavian Diminutive of Christopher: Carrier of Christ. Famous Bearer: American Singer Kris Kristofferson
Kristina  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Kristine: Scandinavian Variant of Christine
Kristine  (Scandinavian)
Scandinavian Variant of Christine
Lachlann  (Gaelic)
From Scandinavia
Landis  (French)
From the Grassy Plain
Landis  (American)
From the Name Landry
Lydda  (Biblical)
A Standing Pool
Lydia  (Biblical)
A Standing Pool
Magnus  (Latin)
Great/Greatest. A Name Popular in Scandinavia During the Viking Period. A Number of Norse Kings Bore This Name
Magnus  (Scottish)
Great; a Borrowing from the Latin, Magnus is Derived from Magnus (Great). The Name Was Brought to the British Isles by the Scandinavians During the Middle Ages. Manus is the Gaelic Form. (Mag-nus)
Manda  (Hispanic)
Harmony (Armanda, Mandi, Mandie, Mandy)
Mandi  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
Mandie  (English)
Abbreviation of Amanda, Meaning Worthy of Being Loved
244 names found for "Andi"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Folant | Parbar | Maguire | Achilles | Zeki | Ankit | Coral | Penvro | Subhaga | Raka | Bigthan | Bluinse | Helez | Den | Berk |