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Names That Mean Andi

244 names found for "Andi"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Andi? We couldn't find the exact name Andi, but listed below are some first names meaning Andi or names similar to the word Andi.

Similar Names

Amadi | Amd | Amdt | Amundi | Anaadi | Anad | Ande | Andy | Ante | Antti |

Related Names

Mandisa  (African)
Sweetness. Sweet. (South African)
Mandisa  (Egyptian)
Mandisa  (African)
Mandisa  (Xhosa)
One Who by Her Presence Brings Happiness to Every One
Manus  (Latin)
Variant of Magnus: Great/Greatest. A Name Popular in Scandinavia During the Viking Period
Mato-nazin  (American)
Standing Bear
Mebunnai  (Biblical)
Son; Building; Understanding
Mesobaite  (Biblical)
The Lord's Standing-place; a Little Doe
Nabeh  (Muslim)
Noble. Outstanding
Nabhan  (Muslim)
Noble. Outstanding
Nabih  (Muslim)
Variant of Nabeh: Noble. Outstanding
Nandi  (Indian)
one who pleases others
Nandika  (Indian)
Nandika  (Hindu)
Nandin  (Hindu)
Named for Shiva's Bull Nandi
Nandini  (Indian)
a holy cow, bestower of joy, Ganga
Nandini  (Hindu)
A Holy Cow, Bestower of Joy, Ganga
Nandini  (Hindu)
A Cow
Nandita  (Indian)
Nandita  (Hindu)
Nezib  (Biblical)
Nezib  (Biblical)
Nibaw  (Native American)
Standing Tall
Nigellus  (Latin)
Champion. Latinized from the Scandinavian Njal: (Niall) in Normandy
Norm  (American)
Invader of Normandie
Norman  (French)
Invader of Normandie
Olaf  (Norse)
Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf
Oma  (Arabic)
Pallas  (Greek)
Pandita  (Hindu)
Pandora  (Greek)
Gifted (Pandie, Dora)
Pasithea  (Latin)
Mother of Pandion
Philip  (Greek)
Lover of Horses, Extravagant, Commanding, Handsome (Felipe, Filippo, Pepe, Phil, Phiiiip, Philippe, Pip, Phipl
Procne  (Greek)
Wife of Pandion
Raghnall  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Name Derived from the Scandinavian Rognvaldr (Powerful Judgment), a Compound Name Composed from the Old Norse Elements Regin (Advice, Decision, Judgment) and Valdr (Ruler, Power, Might). The Na
Randi  (English)
Wolf Shield
Randi  (Norse)
Lovely Goddess
Randi  (English)
Feminine of Randall (Randie, Randyl
Randilyn  (American)
Protected Waterfall
Ranulf  (Scottish)
Scottish Form of Randolf (Shield Wolf). The Name, Introduced by the Scandinavians, is Derived from the Old Norse Randulfr, a Compound Name Composed from the Elements Rand, Rond (The Edge or Rim of a S
Raonull  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Name Derived from Rognvaldr, a Compound Name, Introduced by Scandinavian Settlers, Composed from the Old Norse Elements Regin, Rogn (Ad- Vice, Judgment, Decision) and Valdr (Ruler, Power). The
Saga  (Norwegian)
Scandinavian Name, Coming from the Word Saga, Which Describes a Story, Usually a Detailed Story of an Ancient Viking Kings Life, Like Snores Saga
Sandia  (Hispanic)
Sandie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Shaalabbim  (Biblical)
Understanding; or Son of a Fox
Shandi  (African American)
God is Gracious
Stafford  (English)
From the Landing Ford; Ford by a Landing-stage. Also a Place Name
Standish  (English)
From the Stony Park
Steathford  (English)
From the Landing Ford
Taalib  (Muslim)
Variant of Talib: Candidate. Student
244 names found for "Andi"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Annas | Azuriah | Kawena | Corbenic | Huxeford | Corrick | Ryen | Richard | Jordi | Harum | Babette | Beat | Brittain | Sarina | Devona |