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Names That Mean Brid

127 names found for "Brid"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Brid? We couldn't find the exact name Brid, but listed below are some first names meaning Brid or names similar to the word Brid.

Similar Names

Baird | Bard | Barid | Bered | Bird | Brad | Bradd | Brady | Brede | Bret |

Related Names

Brigida  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Bridget: Strong
Brigidia  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Bridget: Strong
Brigitta  (Latin)
A Latin Form of the Irish Bridget, Meaning the High One, or Strength
Brigitta  (Irish)
Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br
Brigitte  (French)
A French Form of the Irish Bridget, Meaning the High One, or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Actress Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte  (French)
From the Name Bridget
Brigitte  (Irish)
Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br
Brik  (English)
Brit  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Brita  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Britt  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Britta  (Danish)
Danish Form of Bridget
Britta  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Brydger  (English)
Lives at Tbe Bridge
Bryggere  (English)
Lives at Tbe Bridge
Cai  (English)
Diminutive of Caius: a Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Caius  (English)
A Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Cambridge  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Earl of Cambridge, a Conspirator Against the King
Cantara  (Muslim)
Small Bridge
Cantara  (Islamic)
Small Bridge
Cantara  (Arabic)
Deagmund  (English)
Bridge Protector
Delia  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Bedelia: a Variant of Bridget, Who Was the Mythic Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry
Diamond  (English)
Jewel Name; Bridge Protector
Diamont  (English)
Bridge Protector
Faulconbridge  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Robert Shallow, a Country Justice. 'King John' Robert Faulconbridge, and His Father, Sir Robert Faulconbridge
Faulconbridge  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Lady Faulconbridge, Widow of Sir Robert Faulconbridge
Ffraid  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Bridget: Strong
Gib  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gil  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gilbert  (Scottish)
Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gilberta  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gilbertine  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Gilbert: Derived from the Name Gilbride, Meaning 'servant of St. Bridget'
Gilbride  (Scottish)
Servant of St. Bridget
Gilbride  (Irish)
Serves Saint Bridget
Giollabrighde  (Irish)
Serves Saint Bridget
Gurney  (Shakespearean)
'King John' James Jurney, Servant to Lady Faulconbridge
Hadassah  (Persian)
Myrtle or Bride
Hadassah  (Persian)
Myrtle or Bride
Hrimfaxi  (Norse)
A Mythical Horse of Night Whose Bridle Drips the Morning Dew
Huso  (African)
Sadness of the Bride
Iona  (Scottish)
Taken from the Name of a Small Island in the Hebrides, a Group of Islands Off the West Coast of Scotland
Iris  (Greek)
Rainbow Goddess of Greek Mythology Who Used Rainbows As a Bridge to Carry Messages from the Gods to Mankind. Iris is Also a Flower Name
Ives  (English)
Archer's Bow. Patron Saint of St. Ives in Cambridgeshire. More Commonly Used As a Surname. Variant of Yves from Ivar
James  (Shakespearean)
'King John' James Jurney, Servant to Lady Faulconbridge. 'King Richard Iii' Sir James Tyrrel. 'King Richard Iii' Sir James Blount
Junae  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junel  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junelle  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
127 names found for "Brid"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

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