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Names That Mean Brid

127 names found for "Brid"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Brid? We couldn't find the exact name Brid, but listed below are some first names meaning Brid or names similar to the word Brid.

Similar Names

Baird | Bard | Barid | Bered | Bird | Brad | Bradd | Brady | Brede | Bret |

Related Names

Junette  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Juno  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
MacBride  (Irish)
Son of Bridget 'Bride'
Metheg-ammah  (Biblical)
Bridle of Bondage
Metheg-ammah  (Biblical)
Bridle of Bondage
Nympha  (Greek)
Nymphas  (Biblical)
Spouse; Bridegroom
Philip  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Bastard Half Brother to Robert Faulconbridge. 'King John' King Philip of France
Pierpont  (Latin)
Dwells by the Stone Bridge
Pierpont  (French)
Lives by the Stone Bridge
Pierrepont  (Latin)
Dwells by the Stone Bridge
Pierrepont  (French)
Lives by the Stone Bridge
Raven  (English)
Resen  (Biblical)
A Bridle or Bit
Resen  (Biblical)
A Bridle or Bit
Robert  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part ' Robert Shallow, a Country Justice. 'King John' Robert Faulconbridge, and His Father, Sir Robert Faulconbridge. 'King Richard Iii' Sir Robert Brakenbury, Lieutenant of the Tower
Rona  (Scottish)
Of Uncertain Derivation, Rona Can Be a Feminine Form of Ronald (Wise Ruler, Powerful Ruler) or a Borrowing of the Name of a Hebridean Island. Variations: Rhona. (Ro-nah)
Shahnaaz  (Muslim)
Variant of Shahnaz: Bride. Pride of a King
Shahnaz  (Muslim)
Bride. Pride of a King
Treowbrycg  (English)
From the Tree Bridge
Trowbrydge  (English)
From the Tree Bridge
Trowhridge  (English)
From the Tree Bridge
Tyrell  (Shakespearean)
'King John' James Jurney, Servant to Lady Faulconbridge. 'King Richard Iii' Sir James Tyrrel
Verbnigge  (Dutch)
From the Bridge
Walbridge  (English)
From the Welshman's Bridge
Walbrydge  (English)
From the Welshman's Bridge
Zuleika  (Persian)
Brilliant Beauty. Famous Bearer: the Heroine in Byron's Poem 'The Bride of Abydos'

Additional Names

Valerio | Rogan | Wasime | Alger | Mathild | Maqsood | Munroe | Lazarus | Imogen | Rhyd | Asthore | Orestes | Kylemore | Mairia | Karmele |