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Names That Mean Came

153 names found for "Came"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Came? We couldn't find the exact name Came, but listed below are some first names meaning Came or names similar to the word Came.

Similar Names

Cain | Caine | Cam | Camey | Camon | Camy | Can | Cana | Caomh | Casen |

Related Names

Feirefiz  (Arthurian Legend)
A Mulatto Heathen Who Became Christian
Gamal  (Islamic)
Camel (Jammal, Jamal)
Gamaliel  (Biblical)
Recompense of God, Camel of God
Gemalli  (Biblical)
Wares, a Camel
George  (English)
Farmer. in Medieval Legend St. George: (The Knight Who Became Patron Saint of England) Struggled With a Fire-breathing Dragon Symbolizing the Devil
Gilad  (Islamic)
Hump of a Camel (Giladi, Gilead)
Grace  (English)
From the Word 'Grace', Derived from the Latin 'Gratia', Meaning God's Favor. Famous Bearer: American Actress Grace Kelly Became Princess Grace of Monaco
Hazel  (English)
The Hazel Tree;Nut. A Nut-bearing Shrub; Used Since the Th Century, When Flower and Plant Names Became Fashionable As First Names
Hera  (Greek)
Hera: (The Roman Juno) Was the Mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and Wife of Zeus. Dealing With Her Husband's Infidelities She Came to Be Called the Goddess of Marriages
Ina  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' (Ie. Christina) Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Jalielle  (English)
The Contributor of This Name Says: I Don't Know How it Came About, My Niece Just Made Up the Name I Believe, and They Call Her Jalie for Short
Jennicka  (English)
Derived from Jessica? the Contributor of This Nae: My Friend Could Not Say Jessica and it Came Out Jennicka That it is How My Sister Got Her Name
Josiah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Healed. Biblical Josiah Became King of Judah at Eight After His Father Was Assassinated. He Ruled Years
Joziah  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Healed. Biblical Josiah Became King of Judah at Eight After His Father Was Assassinated. He Ruled Years
Kam  (Scottish)
Form of Cameron 'Crooked Nose.'
Kamelia  (Latin)
A Flower Name. Variant of Camelia
Kamelia  (English)
Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Kamella  (Latin)
A Flower Name. Variant of Camelia
Kameron  (Scottish)
Form of Cameron 'Crooked Nose.'
Kameron  (English)
Modern Variant of Cameron Used for Girls
Kameron  (English)
Modern Female Variant of the Scottish Cameron, Meaning Crooked or Bent Nose
Kamren  (English)
Modern Variant of Cameron Used for Girls
Kamrin  (English)
Modern Variant of Cameron Used for Girls
Kamron  (Scottish)
Form of Cameron 'Crooked Nose.'
Kamron  (English)
Modern Variant of Cameron Used for Girls
Kamryn  (English)
Modern Variant of Cameron Used for Girls
Katherine  (English)
Pure. Used Since Third Century A. D. Early Latin Forms Katerina and Caterina Became Katharine and Catherine. French Cateline and English Catlyn Came into Wider Use During Medieval Period When Variants
Lachina  (Scottish)
Land of the Lochs; a Feminine Form of Scottish Lachlan and Lachann (Land of the Lochs), Which are Derived from Lochlann, a Name That Originated As a Term Referring to Migrant Norwegians Who Came from
Leah  (Hebrew)
Tired. Cow. First Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. Leah Became Jacob's First Wife by Trickery, As Jacob Had Intended to Marry Her Younger and More Beautiful Sister, Rachel, Who Soon Became His Seco
Levi  (Hebrew)
Attached or Pledged. Joined. Levi; Third ' of Jacob's Sons; Became Father of the Tribe That Was Assigned Priestly Duties. Note: This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Magdalen  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalen  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalena  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalene  (Spanish)
Bitter. Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Magdalene  (Czechoslovakian)
Woman from Magdala. The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee
Maverick  (English)
When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Mavrick  (English)
When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Moses  (Egyptian)
Son. in the Bible, Moses Led the Israelites Out of Egypt in Search of the Promised Land. in a Different Biblical Story, When Moses Came Down from the Mount, He Brought With Him the Ten Commandments Gi
Musad  (Muslim)
Unfettered Camel
Opal  (English)
Opal (Precious Stone). Jewel Names Became Popular in the Th Century
Patrick  (Latin)
Regal; Noble. St. Patrick Introduced Christianity to Ireland, and Later Became Ireland's Patron Saint
Pinon  (American)
A God Who Became the Constellation Orion
Sabastian  (Greek)
Revered. The Twin Brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A Third-century Martyred Centurion Who Became St. Sebastian Patron Saint of Soldiers
Sabastian  (Latin)
Revered. The Twin Brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A Third-century Martyred Centurion Who Became St. Sebastian Patron Saint of Soldiers
Samson  (Hebrew)
Sun Child; Bright Sun. in the Old Testament, Samson's Great Strength Came from His Long Hair. He Was Seduced by Delilah, Who Cut His Hair Off, Thereby Destroying His Strength
Sandra  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early Th Century; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra
Sebastian  (Latin)
Venerable; Revered. The Twin Brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A Third-century Martyred Centurion Who Became St. Sebastian Patron Saint of Soldiers
Tameron  (African American)
From Cameron
153 names found for "Came"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Hephzibah | Fadwa | Duane | Moira | Carmia | Lilli | Daphnis | Doron | Marigold | Bardarik | Zanoah | Michi | Davidson | Sharif | Aletha |