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Names That Mean Came

153 names found for "Came"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Came? We couldn't find the exact name Came, but listed below are some first names meaning Came or names similar to the word Came.

Similar Names

Cain | Caine | Cam | Camey | Camon | Camy | Can | Cana | Caomh | Casen |

Related Names

Tokunbo  (African)
Came from Abroad, Was Born Abroad (Yoruba Name)
Zacchaeus  (Hebrew)
Clean; Pure. in the Bible Zacchaeus Was a Tax Collector Who Became a Disciples of Jesus. This Database is Copyright Dogwood Technical Services Inc
Zandra  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess A

Additional Names

Clyfland | Dyani | Clarance | Wendell | Addison | Milan | Hale | Mazin | Elam | Ranee | Juana | Rahman | Siara | Avilon | Lisbet |