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Names That Mean Christ

568 names found for "Christ"   (page 6 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Christ? We couldn't find the exact name Christ, but listed below are some first names meaning Christ or names similar to the word Christ.

Similar Names

Chresta | Christie | Christy | Crist | Christa | Christi | Chrysta | Crista | Cristy |

Related Names

Crystal  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Crystal  (English)
A Jewel Name from the English Word Crystal, Referring to Crystal Glass, Based on the Greek 'Krustallos' Meaning Ice. Also a Variant of Christiana, Meaning Follower of Christ
Damaris  (Hebrew)
A Biblical Name Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity
Damaris  (Greek)
Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity. Gentle
Easter  (English)
From the Name of the Christian Festival, Which is Based on Eostre, the Name of a Germanic Spring Goddess. Sometimes Also Used As a Variant of Esther
Easter  (English)
Born at Easter. from the Name of the Christian Festival, Which is Based on Eostre, the Name of a Germanic Spring Goddess. Sometimes Also Used As a Variant of Esther
Ebbaneza  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebeneezer  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebeneser  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebenezar  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Ebenezeer  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ebenezer: Rock That Helps. Ebeneezer Scrooge Was the Main Character of Charles Dickens' Story 'A Christmas Carol'
Eric  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erick  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Erik  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. in Scandinavian Legend the Viking Sea Rover Ericson: (Son of Eric the Red) Landed on the Shores of America Years Before Christopher Columbus
Faith  (English)
Faithful. A Christian Virtue Name Popular Among Th Century Puritans
Feirefiz  (Arthurian Legend)
A Mulatto Heathen Who Became Christian
Fletcher  (English)
Maker of Arrows. Often Used As a Surname, Less Commonly a Given Name. Famous Bearer: Fletcher Christian Was a Mutineer on the Infamous Ship 'Bounty'
Geol  (English)
Born at Christmas
Gideon  (Hebrew)
Destroyer One Who Has a Stump in Place of a Hand. A Hewer. Famous Bearer: the Gideons, a Christian Organization Distributing Bibles to Schools, Hospitals, and Hotels
Gikhrist  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Gil  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Gillecriosd  (Scottish)
Christ Bearer
Gilley  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Gilvarry  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Giolla Chriost  (Irish)
Serves Christ
Gizane  (Basque)
Incarnation of Christ
Griselda  (German)
From the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'
Grizel  (German)
Variant of Griselda: from the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'
Grizzel  (German)
Variant of Griselda: from the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'
Hollee  (English)
The Holly Tree. Common Name Given Christmas Girl Babies
Hollie  (English)
The Holly Tree. Common Name Given Christmas Girl Babies
Hollis  (English)
The Holly Tree. Common Name Given Christmas Girl Babies
Hope  (English)
One of the Three Christian Virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity)
Igone  (Basque)
Refers to Christ's Ascension
Ina  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' (Ie. Christina) Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Inez  (Greek)
Variant of Agnes: Poor, Pure, or Chaste. St. Agnes Was a 3rd Century Christian Martyr Whose January St Feast Day is Described in Keats' Poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'
Irene  (Greek)
Peace. an Early Christian Martyr, and Later Borne by Several Byzantine Empresses
Isidore  (Greek)
Strong Gift. Gift of Isis (This Name is Greek, Even Though Isis is an Egyptian Deity). St Isidore of Seville Tried to Convert Spanish Jews to Christianity During the Th Century
Jesus  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Generous. Jehovah Saves. Diminutive of Joshua from the Hebrew Name Jehoshua. As a Result of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, Jesus is Considered to Be Too Sacred to Be Given As a First Na
Joda  (Hebrew)
A Biblical Ancestor of Christ
John  (Hebrew)
Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor. in the Bible John the Baptist Baptized Christ in the Jordan River. Variants Have Been Created in Almost Every Language
Judah  (Hebrew)
Praise. The Praised One. Fourth Son of Jacob and Leah and a Direct Ancestor to Jesus Christ. The Words Jew and Judaism are Derived from His Name
Judas  (Greek)
Greek Form of Judah. The Apostle, Judas Iscariot, Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver. As a Result, the Name Judas is Used As a Synonym for 'Traitor' and is Not Often Used As a First Nam
Judas  (Hebrew)
Variant of Judah: Praise. The Praised One. This Name Has Become Synonymous With Traitor, As the Apostle Judas Iscariot Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver
Kay  (English)
Variant of the Latin: Gaius; an Alternative Spelling of Cai. Sir Kay Was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table. The Name Kay Also Appeared in Hans Christian Andersen's Story 'The Snow Queen'
Kerstan  (Latin)
Kersten  (Slavic)
Kerstin  (Swedish)
Kester  (Gaelic)
Bearing Christ; a Gaelic Form of Christopher. (Kes-ter)
Kester  (Greek)
Diminutive of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
568 names found for "Christ"   (page 6 of 12) 

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Additional Names

MacDubhgall | Matty | Odakota | Abdul Mujeeb | Ivo | Ziva | Cornelius | Jonathon | Rainer | Dionizy | Ocunnowhurst | Canute | Ariela | Sabin | Suksma |