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Names That Mean Ella

337 names found for "Ella"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Ella? We couldn't find the exact name Ella, but listed below are some first names meaning Ella or names similar to the word Ella.

Similar Names

Elah | Eli | Elia | Eliah | Elie | Eliya | Eloy | Elul | Ely | Elya |

Related Names

Bella  (Latin)
Bella  (French)
Bella  (Latin)
A Diminutive of Isabella. Also a Diminutive of Annabella and Arabella Meaning Yielding to Prayer. Also a Variant of Amabel Meaning Beautiful, Loving, Lovable, Graceful
Bellamey  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamie  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (English)
Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (French)
Bellance  (Italian)
Bellangere  (Arthurian Legend)
Son of Alexandre
Braemwiella  (English)
From the Bramble Bush Spring
Brunella  (French)
Brown Haired
Caersewiella  (English)
Lives at the Watercress Spring
Caldwiella  (English)
From the Cold Spring
Cali  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calida  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calissa  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Calista Was a Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calisto  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Diminutive of Calista, Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Callista  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Calista Was a Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Calysta  (Greek)
Most Beautiful. Calista Was a Mythological Arcadian Who Transformed into a She-bear, Then into the Great Bear Constellation
Camella  (English)
Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Camella  (Latin)
Carella  (Latin)
Cari  (Spanish)
Abbreviation of Caridad Meaning Dear; Darling. A Star in the Orion Constellation
Carmela  (Latin)
Bountiful (Carmel, Carmelita, Carmella)
Carmella  (Hebrew)
Carmella  (Latin)
Fruitful Orchard, As Mount Carmel in Palestine
Cassivellaunus  (Celtic)
From Arthurian Legend
Celicia  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celina  (Latin)
Hammer. Also Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celinda  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celinna  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Cerella  (English)
Mistress; Lady. Feminine of Cyril
Christabella  (Latin)
Beautiful Christian
Christahel  (Latin)
Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Famous Bearers: S. T. Coleridge's Poem Christabel; British Suffragette Christabel Pankhurst
Christahella  (Latin)
Christie  (Latin)
Diminutive of Christahel: Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful
Christy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Christahel, Meaning Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' Meaning Christ and 'Bella' Meaning Beautiful. Also a Variant of Christiana, Meaning Follower of Christ
Cinderella  (French)
Of the Ashes
Cinderella  (English)
Little Cinder Girl. The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine
Cinderella  (Latin)
Girl by the Cinders
Cindy  (English)
Dimunitive of Cynthia, Lucinda, and Cinderella
Cingeswiella  (English)
Lives at the King's Spring
Clan'bella  (Latin)
Corella  (English)
Corella  (Greek)
Cornella  (Latin)
Feminine of Cornelius: Horn
Crombwiella  (English)
Lives by the Winding Stream
Daniella  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Daniel: God Has Judged, or God is Judge. The Old Testament Daniel Was a Th Century Bc Prophet Who Miraculously Survived the Den of Lions
Della  (German)
Bright. Noble
337 names found for "Ella"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Juhi | Clarke | Darlene | Akira | Peruda | Helga | Jose | Raley | Aldene | Astred | Armen | Gail | Shadee | Searlait | Shikhar |