English: Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen: Beautiful Fairy. A Diminutive of Feminine Names Begining With El or Ending With Ella. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald; American Poet Ella Wheeler
Dolabella(Shakespearean) 'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Caesar
Donalda(Scottish) World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)
Eallair(Gaelic) Worker in a Cellar ; Evolved from Cellair, Which Was Originated As a Nickname for One Who Worked As a Steward in a Monastery. The Name is Derived from the Latin Cellarius, Which is from Cella (Cellar,
Essie(French) Diminutive of Estelle: Star. A Variant of Estella.Diminutive of Estella: Derived from the Old French Form of the Latin 'stella' Meaning Star
Essie(English) A Diminutive of Estella, Estelle, or Esther
Estella(French) Derived from the Old French Form of the Latin 'stella' Meaning Star. Famous Bearer: the Heroine of Charles Dickens' Novel 'Great Expectations'