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Names That Mean Erma

422 names found for "Erma"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Erma? We couldn't find the exact name Erma, but listed below are some first names meaning Erma or names similar to the word Erma.

Similar Names

Earm | Eran | Erian | Erin | Ermin | Ern | Ernan | Erno | Eron | Earna |

Related Names

Herman  (German)
Herman  (German)
Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman. Famous Bearer: American Writer Herman Melville, Author of Moby Dick
Herman  (Teutonic)
Hermandina  (Greek)
Well Born
Hermandine  (Greek)
Well Born
Hermann  (Swedish)
Hermann  (Teutonic)
Hermas  (Biblical)
Mercury, Gain, Refuge
Herminia  (Latin)
Feminine of Herman
Hew  (English)
Variant of Hugh: Heart. Mind. Inspiration. Intelligent. from Old German. Derived from Hugo
Howard  (English)
Bold Heart. Hog-warden. Chief Guardian. Derived from the Old German Huguard. Famous Bearer: American Industrialist Howard Hughes (-)
Hugh  (English)
Heart. Mind. Inspiration. Intelligent. from Old German. Derived from Hugo
Hugo  (English)
Variant of Hugh: Heart. Mind. Inspiration. Intelligent. from Old German. Derived from Hugo
Huw  (English)
Variant of Hugh: Heart. Mind. Inspiration. Intelligent. from Old German. Derived from Hugo
Ilse  (German)
Oath of God. Noble. A German Diminutive of the Name Elizabeth
Irma  (Teutonic)
War Goddess (Erma)
Irma  (German)
Universal, from the Old German 'Irmin'. War Goddess
Jakob  (German)
German Form of Jacob
Jarman  (German)
A German
Jarmann  (German)
A German
Jeff  (English)
Diminutive of Jeffrey: Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning: District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge
Jeffery  (German)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale
Jeffery  (English)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning: District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge
Jeffrey  (German)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge. Famous Bearer: Geoffrey Plantagenet Was Father to King Henry Ii; Geoffrey Cbaucer Wrote 'The Canterbury Tale
Jeffrey  (English)
Derived from One of Three Old German Names, Meaning: District, Traveler, or Peaceful Pledge
Jermain  (English)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine
Jermain  (Latin)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine. Singer Jermaine Jackson
Jermaine  (English)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine. Singer Jermaine Jackson
Jermaine  (Latin)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine. Singer Jermaine Jackson
Jermaine  (French)
German or 'From Germany', from the French Word, Germain
Jermaine  (French)
From Germany
Jermane  (English)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine
Jermane  (Latin)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine. Singer Jermaine Jackson
Jermayne  (English)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine
Jermayne  (Latin)
Brotherly. Variant of Germaine. Singer Jermaine Jackson
Jerry  (English)
A Diminutive of a Jeremiah, Jeremy, or Jerome, Also Used As an Independent Name. Also a Colloquial Term for a German Soldier. Famous Bearer: American Comedian-actor Jerry Lewis Was Born Joseph Levitch
Johan  (German)
German Form of John
Johanna  (German)
German Form of Joanna
Johannes  (German)
German Form of John
Joran  (English)
The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Jorel  (English)
The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Jorell  (English)
Modern. The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Jorian  (English)
The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Jorrel  (English)
The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Jorrell  (English)
The Fictional Character Jorel Father of Superman
Josef  (German)
German Form of Joseph
Jurgen  (German)
German Form of George
Karl  (German)
Variant of the Germanic Form of Charles, Meaning a Man
Katchen  (German)
German Form of Katherine
Katharina  (German)
German Form of Katherine
422 names found for "Erma"   (page 7 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Howard | Ivor | Rubina | Waheed | Chandria | Mon | Nephish | Bary | Miron | Warwick | Khaleeqa | Siusan | Montenegro | Audrisa | Safiyah |