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Names That Mean Erma

422 names found for "Erma"   (page 9 of 9) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

Looking for names that mean Erma? We couldn't find the exact name Erma, but listed below are some first names meaning Erma or names similar to the word Erma.

Similar Names

Earm | Eran | Erian | Erin | Ermin | Ern | Ernan | Erno | Eron | Earna |

Related Names

Sherman  (English)
Cloth-cutter (Sherm, Shermie)
Sherman  (English)
Cuts the Nap of Woolen Cloth. 'shireman' in Medieval Times the Shireman Served As Governor-judge of an English Shire or County
Sherman  (German)
Shearman. in Medieval Times a Shearman Worked As a Sheepshearer or Finisher of Cloth. Shermann
Shermon  (English)
Variant of Sherman Meaning 'shireman' or 'shearman.'
Shermon  (German)
Variant of Sherman Meaning 'shireman' or 'shearman.'
Tedrick  (German)
Variant of the Old German Name Theodoric 'Ruler of the People.'
Terry  (English)
Abbreviation of Terrance and Terrell. Terry is Also an Anglicized Phonetic Form of the French Given Name Thierry from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'
Thierry  (French)
French Given Name from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'
Trudi  (German)
Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal Strength. from the Old German 'Ermin' Meaning Universal, and 'Drudi' Meaning Strength
Trudie  (German)
Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal Strength. from the Old German 'Ermin' Meaning Universal, and 'Drudi' Meaning Strength
Trudy  (German)
Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal Strength. from the Old German 'Ermin' Meaning Universal, and 'Drudi' Meaning Strength
Tyeis  (French)
Son of a German
Tyson  (French)
Son of a German
Tyson  (Teutonic)
Son of a German
Veleda  (Teutonic)
Inspired Intelligence. Famous Bearer: Veleda Was a St Century Ad Germanic Prophetess
Wanda  (English)
The Wanderer (Vanda, Wendy, Wandie, Wandis, Wenda, Wendeline, Wendi, Wendie, Wendye ). Origin: Teutonic, Old German
Wendy  (English)
Wanderer; a Familiar Form of Gwendolyn and Wanda. (Wendeline, Wendi, Wendie, Windy). Origin: Old German
Wido  (German)
An Old German Name Meaning Wood
Wilhelm  (German)
German Form of William
Williamon  (German)
German Form of William
Winnifred  (English)
Peaceful Friend; a Form of Guinevere. ( Freddi, Freddie, Freddy, Fredi, Ona, Oana, Una, Winifred, Winnie, Winne, Winny, Wynn). Origin: Old German
Zelda  (German)
Diminutive of Griselda: from the Old German, Meaning 'Grey Battle' or 'Christian Battle'

Additional Names

Garth | Phillis | Abdul Raouf | Mihir | Kalyani | Crissa | Syd | Nathaly | Ailean | Garen | Erika | Kuwanyauma | Masson | Raed | O'keefe |