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Meaning of the Name Espe

166 names found for "Espe"   (page 2 of 4) 

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The first name Espe is of Latin, Basque origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Hope
Basque: Hope

Related Names

Donna  (Italian)
Lady. Respectful Title and Female Equivalent of Don
Donna-marie  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donnalee  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donnalyn  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donni  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donnie  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donya  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Eldon  (Teutonic)
Respected (Elden)
Erytheia  (Greek)
One of the Hesperides
Espen  (Dutch)
Bear of God
Espen  (Scandinavian)
God Bear
Esperanza  (Spanish)
Esperanza  (Hispanic)
Esperanza  (French)
Fluellen  (English)
From the Welsh Llewellyn. Famous Bearer: Fluellen Was a Character in Shakespeare's 'Henry V'
Gaurav  (Hindu)
Gaurav  (Indian)
honour, pride, respect
Gertrude  (German)
From the Old German Name, Meaning Strong Spear. Famous Bearers: Hamlet's Mother in the Shakespearian Tragedy 'Hamlet', and the Seventh Century Abbess St Gertrude of Nivelles, British Actress Gertrude
Gwilym  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Gwylim  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Hamlet  (German)
A Variant of Hamo Derived from the Old German Word for House or Home. Also Used As a Surname. Associated With Shakespeare's Tragedy by the Same Name
Hamnet  (German)
Derived from the Old German Word 'Haimund' for House or Home Protector. A Variant of Hamo. Famous Bearer: the Son of William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway
Hermia  (Greek)
Well Born. Stone. Feminine Form of Hermes. A Character in Shakespeare's Play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Hesper  (Greek)
Evening Star
Hespera  (Latin)
Daughter of Cebren
Hesperia  (Greek)
One of the Hesperides
Hesperia  (Latin)
Daughter of Cebren
Hesperie  (Latin)
Daughter of Cebren
Hesperos  (Greek)
Evening Star
Hippolyta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hippolytus: Horse Let Loose. Queen of the Amazons. A Character in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Horace  (Italian)
Variant of Horatio: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Horatio  (Italian)
Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Horry  (Italian)
Diminutive of Horatio: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius. The Close Friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's Tragedy
Iago  (Welsh)
Supplanter. Can Be Either a Variant of James or Jacob. Associated With the Wicked Iago in Shakespeare's 'Othello'
Iago  (Spanish)
Supplanter. Spanish Form of Jacob. Associated With the Wicked Iago in Shakespeare's 'Othello'
Immy  (English)
Diminutive of Imogen: Innocent. Last Born. The Name of the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Cymbehoe As a Result of a Printing Error in the Folio Edition of the Play
Imogen  (English)
Innocent. Last Born. The Name of the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Cymbehoe As a Result of a Printing Error in the Folio Edition of the Play
Jesper  (Swedish)
Jesper  (French)
Jess  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Jessica: Rich. God Beholds. The Daughter of Shylock in Shakespeare's Play 'The Merchant of Venice'
Jessica  (Hebrew)
Rich. God Beholds. The Daughter of Shylock in Shakespeare's Play 'The Merchant of Venice'
Julia  (Latin)
Young. The Feminine Form of Julius. A Character in Shakespeare's Play 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'
Juliet  (French)
Youthful; Variant of Julia. 'Jove's Child.' Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet
Juliet  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of Julia. Juliet Was the Young Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet
Juliette  (Italian)
Variant of Juliet: an Italian Diminutive of Julia. Famous Bearer: Juliet, Young Heroine of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'
Lear  (English)
Shakespearian King
Lennox  (Scottish)
Surname and Clan Name. Lennox; a Scottish Nobleman; Appears in Shakespeare's Macbeth
Liam  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
166 names found for "Espe"   (page 2 of 4) 

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