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Names That Mean Espe

166 names found for "Espe"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Espe? We couldn't find the exact name Espe, but listed below are some first names meaning Espe or names similar to the word Espe.

Related Names

Abdul Haseeb  (Muslim)
Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul Hasib  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Haseeb: Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul-Haseeb  (Muslim)
Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abdul-Hasib  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-haseeb: Servant of the Respected. Esteemed
Abhiman  (Hindu)
Self Respect
Abhimanini  (Hindu)
A Girl With Self Respect
Abhivadak  (Hindu)
One Who Salutes Respectfully
Abhivandan  (Hindu)
Salutation With Respect
Abhivandya  (Hindu)
One Who is Greeted Respectfully
Agostino  (Latin)
Variant of August: Deserving of Respect
Agostino  (Italian)
Agosto  (Latin)
Variant of August: Deserving of Respect
Aguistin  (Latin)
Variant of August: Deserving of Respect
Agustin  (Latin)
Variant of August: Deserving of Respect
Agustino  (Latin)
Variant of August: Deserving of Respect
Ahsab  (Islamic)
Nobler, Respected
Arel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Ariel: Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Arial  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Ariel: Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Ariel  (Hebrew)
Sprite; Lion of God. A Biblical Alternate Name for Jerusalem. Name of a Prankish Spirit in Shakespeare's the Tempest
Ariel  (Hebrew)
Lioness of God. Biblical Name for Jerusalem. Used by Shakespeare for a Mischevious Spirit in the Tempest
Arjumand  (Muslim)
Respected. Noble
Arya  (Hindu)
Respected Lady
Augie  (Latin)
Diminutive of August: Deserving of Respect
Augustine  (Latin)
Deserving of Respect; Majestic
Augy  (Latin)
Diminutive of August: Deserving of Respect
Aziza  (Muslim)
Respected. Darling
Azzeza  (Muslim)
Variant of Aziza: Respected. Darling
Beauregard  (French)
Respected; Regarded Highly (Literal Translation is Beautiful/Handsome Gaze)
Benedick  (English)
A Variant of Benedict, Meaning Blessed, Given to a Shakespearian Character in the Play Much Ado About Nothing
Benedick  (Latin)
Blessed. Popes Have Been Named Benedict. The Benedictines Monastical Order. Shakespeare's Witty Bachelor Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing
Bill  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Billie  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Billy  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Biron  (English)
Surname Used As a Given Name. Biron Was the Name of a Character in Shakespeare's Loves Labours Lost
Bo  (French)
Diminutive of Beauregard: Respected; Regarded Highly (Literal Translation is Beautiful/Handsome Gaze). Also a Variant of Beau: Handsome
Charmain  (French)
One of Cleopatra's Attendants in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra Was Named Charmian
Charmian  (Greek)
Joy. Charmain Was One of Cleopatra's Attendants in Shakespeare's 'Antony and Cleopatra'
Cleopatra  (Greek)
Her Father's Fame; Glory of Her Father. Egyptian Queen Immortalized by Shakespeare in 'Antony and Cleopatra'
Cordelia  (English)
In Shakespeare's King Lear a Woman of Rare Honesty
Cressida  (Greek)
Origin Origin. Cresside Was the Faithless Mistress of Troilus in Shakespeare's 'Troilus and Cressida'
Dahna  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Dahnya  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Desdemona  (Greek)
Misery. Unlucky. Famous Bearer: Desdemona Was the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play 'Othello'
Dona  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Dona  (Spanish)
Lady. Respectful Title and Female Equivalent of the Title Don
Donella  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donelle  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donetta  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donielle  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Donisha  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
166 names found for "Espe"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

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