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Names That Mean Femi

1413 names found for "Femi"   (page 12 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Femi? We couldn't find the exact name Femi, but listed below are some first names meaning Femi or names similar to the word Femi.

Similar Names

Fehin | Foma | Fama | Fani |

Related Names

Drina  (English)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Drina  (Greek)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Dru  (Latin)
Feminine of the Roman Family Name Drusus
Drucilla  (Latin)
Feminine of the Roman Family Name Drusus. Strong
Drusilla  (Latin)
Strong. Feminine Derivitive from the Roman Family Name Drusus. Famous Bearer: First Century Sister and Mistress of the Roman Emperor Caligula
Duana  (Irish)
Feminine of Duane. Dark
Duayna  (Irish)
Feminine of Duane
Earline  (English)
Noble Woman. Feminine of Earl
Edana  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Aidan: Fire
Edmee  (French)
Feminine Form of Edmund
Edwina  (English)
Feminine Form of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend
Edwinna  (English)
Rich in Friendship. Feminine of Edwin
Eithna  (Irish)
Feminine Form of Aidan: Fire
Eldreda  (English)
The Feminine Form of Eldred, Which is a Variant of Aldred, Meaning Old Counsel, or Sage
Ella  (English)
Abbreviation of Eleanor and Ellen: Beautiful Fairy. A Diminutive of Feminine Names Begining With El or Ending With Ella. Famous Bearer: American Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald; American Poet Ella Wheeler
Elma  (English)
Used As a Diminutive of Many Feminine Name Ending in 'Elma'. Also a Name Derived from a Compound of the First Two Letters of Elizaheth and Mary
Eloise  (French)
Famous in War. Variant of Aloysia: Feminine Form of Aloysius, Which is a French Provincial Variant of Louis. Also a Variant of Louise
Elvie  (English)
Diminutive of Elvina: Elfin. Good Elf. Also a Feminine Variant of Alvin, from the Old English Meaning Noble Friend
Elvina  (English)
Elfin. Good Elf. Also a Feminine Variant of Alvin, from the Old English Meaning Noble Friend
Em  (German)
Variant of Emma: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'Ermin' or 'Irmin', Meaning Universal. Also a Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Starting With Em-
Emanuela  (Hebrew)
Feminine Variant of Emanuel, Meaning God With Us
Emelye  (English)
From the Latin Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Aemilius, Anglicized by Chaucer
Emil  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emily  (Latin)
Industrious; Striving. from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emily  (French)
Feminine Form of Emile: Industrious. from the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Famous Bearer: French Writer Emile Zola
Emily  (German)
Feminine Form of Emil: from the Roman Family Name Aemilius, Meaning 'Industrious.' Also a Variant of Amelia: from the Old German Amalburga, Meaning Labour and the Latin Aemilia
Emlyn  (Latin)
Excellent. Masculine Equivalent of Emily, from the Name Aemilia, the Feminine Form of the Roman Family Name Aemilius. Also a Variant of Amelia
Emmanuela  (Hebrew)
Feminine Variant of Emanuel, Meaning God With Us
Emmie  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Beginning With Em-
Ena  (Greek)
Diminutive of Eugenia: Nobility, Well Born. A Feminine Form of Eugene
Ena  (Irish)
Ardent, Graceful. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also Feminine Form of Aidan: Fire
Enrica  (Spanish)
Rules Her Household. Feminine of Henry
Erica  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Erica  (Scandinavian)
Feminine Form of Eric (Erika)
Erica  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Erica  (English)
Eternal Ruler; a Feminine Form of Eric
Erica  (Scottish)
Eternal Ruler; a Feminine Form of Eric. Also Used to Anglicize the Gaelic Oighrig. (Er-ih-kah)
Ericka  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Erics  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
Erika  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Erik: Rules Forever
Erika  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Ever or Eternal Ruler. Island Ruler. Famous Bearer: Norwegian Explorer Eric the Red
Erika  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Erikka  (Scandinavian)
Ever Kingly. Feminine of Eric
Erna  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Erna  (German)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernesha  (German)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernesha  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernesta  (Spanish)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestina  (Latin)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
Ernestina  (German)
Serious; Determined. Feminine of Emest
1413 names found for "Femi"   (page 12 of 29) 

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Additional Names

Wyome | Madalena | Bithiah | Duke | Placyd | Ariobananes | Shilpa | Dorothy | Delicia | Wyoh | Lavette | Jerelyn | Hanniel | Azriel | Oprah |