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Names That Mean Femi

1413 names found for "Femi"   (page 19 of 29) 

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Looking for names that mean Femi? We couldn't find the exact name Femi, but listed below are some first names meaning Femi or names similar to the word Femi.

Similar Names

Fehin | Foma | Fama | Fani |

Related Names

Jonalynn  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonay  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonell  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonetta  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonette  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Joni  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonita  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonna  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonnelle  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonni  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonni  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonnie  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Josalyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josalyn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josalynn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josalynn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joscelin  (German)
Variant of Jocelyn: 'One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam As a Masculine Name During the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn Was Adopted As a Feminine First Name in the Early Th Century
Joscelin  (German)
Start Variant of Jocelyn: 'One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam As a Masculine Name During the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn Was Adopted As a Feminine First Name in the Early Th Century
Joscelyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joscelyn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jose  (Hebrew)
Variant of Josepha. Feminine Form of Joseph. May Jehovah Give Increase
Josefa  (German)
Feminine of Joseph
Josefina  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Josephine. God Shall Add. Feminine of Joseph
Josepha  (French)
Feminine Form of Joseph
Josepha  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Josephe  (French)
Feminine Form of Joseph
Josephina  (French)
Feminine of Joseph
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Josephine  (French)
May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). A Feminine Form of Joseph. Famous Bearer: French Empress Josephine, Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte
Josette  (Hebrew)
Feminine Form of Joseph: May Jehovah Add/Give Increase
Josette  (French)
Feminine Form of Joseph
Josie  (French)
Diminutive of Josephine: May Jehovah Add. Addition (To the Family). Also Can Be a Diminutive of Joanne: God is Gracious. French Form of Joanna (From the Latin, Johanna) and the Feminine Form of John
Josilyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josilyn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Josilyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joslin  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joslin  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joslyn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joslyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joss  (German)
Diminutive of Jocelyn: 'One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam As a Masculine Name During the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn Was Adopted As a Feminine First Name in the Early Th Century
Joss  (German)
Diminutive of Jocelyn: 'One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam As a Masculine Name During the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn Was Adopted As a Feminine First Name in the Early Th Century
Jovana  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovanna  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovena  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovina  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Jovita  (Spanish)
Feminine of Jovian Derived from Jove Who Was the Roman Mythological Jupiter and Father of the Sky
Joyce  (Celtic)
Feminine of Jodoc
Jozlyn  (French)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jozlyn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Juanita  (Spanish)
Feminine Form of Juan: the Spanish Form of John: God is Gracious. God's Gift
1413 names found for "Femi"   (page 19 of 29) 

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Additional Names

Jeannine | Arabella | Immy | Rishabh | Tamasine | Valmai | Bo | Elwold | Ara | Aitziber | Deviprasad | Angharad | Fritzi | Hal | Audhild |