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Names That Mean Ford

172 names found for "Ford"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Ford? We couldn't find the exact name Ford, but listed below are some first names meaning Ford or names similar to the word Ford.

Similar Names

Farid | Ferda | Forde | Fred |

Related Names

Talford  (English)
Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname
Telford  (French)
Works in Iron
Tilford  (English)
From the Fertile Ford
Tirtha  (Hindu)
Trudord  (Norse)
From the Spearman's Ford
Twiford  (English)
From the Double River Ford
Twyford  (English)
From the Double River Ford
Wade  (English)
Ford (As in River Crossing); 'Advancer'; Medieval Given Name from Scandinavian Mythology
Walford  (English)
From the Welshman's Ford
Warford  (English)
From the Farm by the Weir
Watelford  (English)
From the Hurdle Ford
Watford  (English)
From the Hurdle Ford
Weiford  (English)
From the Farm by the Weir
Welford  (English)
From the Spring by the Ford
Whitford  (English)
From the White Ford
Wiellaford  (English)
From the Spring by the Ford
Wilford  (German)
Desires Peace
Wilford  (English)
Ford by the Willows
Wilford  (English)
From the Willow Ford 'Desires Peace.'
Wilfred  (English)
Peaceful or Willow Tree Near Ford
Wylingford  (English)
From the Willow Ford
Wynford  (English)
White Stream; Holy Stream

Additional Names

Sergio | Mara | Cili | Niel | Oona | Bran | Virgena | Arwin | Joseph | Viridianai | Nishtha | Rahil | Parounag | Svanhild | Leoline |