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Names That Mean Ford

172 names found for "Ford"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Ford? We couldn't find the exact name Ford, but listed below are some first names meaning Ford or names similar to the word Ford.

Similar Names

Farid | Ferda | Forde | Fred |

Related Names

Adair  (Gaelic)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Adair  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Adair  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford. Uncertain Origin. May Be a Variant of Edgar, or from the Gaelic for 'Oak Tree Ford'. Used for Many Hundreds of Years As Both Surname and First Name
Adair  (Celtic)
From the Ford by the Oak Trees
Adaira  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Adairia  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Adara  (Irish)
From the Ford at the Oak Tree
Adare  (Irish)
From the Ford of the Oak Tree
Addergoole  (Irish)
From Between Two Fords
Aderrig  (Irish)
From the Red Ford
Aescford  (English)
Lives by the Ash Tree Ford
Aghaderg  (Irish)
From the Red Ford
Ahana  (Irish)
From the Little Ford
Ahane  (Irish)
From the Little Ford
Aisford  (English)
Lives by the Ash Tree Ford
Alberic  (English)
Variant of Aubrey: Rules With Elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, a Friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's Grandson Became the Earl of Oxford
Alford  (English)
From the Old Ford
Alvord  (English)
From the Old Ford
Anne  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Viii' Anne Bullen, Katharine's Maid of Honour, Afterwards Queen. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Mistress Anne Page, Daughter to Mistress Ford. 'Richard Iii' Lady Anne, Widow of Edward, After
Ashenford  (English)
Variant of Ashford: River Ford Near Ash Trees
Ashford  (English)
Lives by the Ash Tree Ford
Athdar  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Athdar  (Gaelic)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Athdara  (Gaelic)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Athdara  (Irish)
From the Ford at the Oak Tree
Athdara  (Scottish)
From the Oak Tree Ford
Auberon  (English)
Variant of Aubrey: Rules With Elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, a Friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's Grandson Became the Earl of Oxford
Aubrey  (English)
Rules With Elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, a Friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's Grandson Became the Earl of Oxford
Bedford  (English)
Derived from the English Place Name, Meaning Bede's Ford. Most Frequently Used As a Surname
Bedford  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Duke of Bedford, Brother to the King. 'Henry Vi, Part ' Duke of Bedford, Uncle to King Henry Vi, and Regent of France
Beresford  (English)
From the Barley Ford
Berford  (English)
From the Barley Ford
Berresford  (English)
Variant of Beresford: Barley Field
Bick  (English)
From the Hewer's Ford
Bickford  (English)
From the Hewer's Ford
Biecaford  (English)
From the Hewer's Ford
Biford  (English)
Lives at the River Crossing
Blandford  (English)
Variant of Blanford: Gray Man's Ford; Gray Haired
Blanford  (English)
Gray Man's Ford; Gray Haired
Bolingbroke  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Roger Bolingbroke, a Conjurer. 'King Richard Ii' Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, Later 'King Henry Iv'
Braddford  (English)
Variant of Bradford: Broad Stream
Bradford  (English)
A Broad Ford
Bradford  (English)
From the Broad Ford
Bradfurd  (English)
Variant of Bradford: Broad Stream
Broderick  (English)
From the Broad Ridge. Derived from a Surname Meaning 'son of Roderick'; Now Occasionally Used As a First Name. Famous Bearer: American Actor Broderick Crawford
Burford  (English)
Lives at the Castle Ford
Burhford  (English)
Lives at the Castle Ford
Byford  (English)
Lives at the River Crossing
Cartagh  (Irish)
Variant of Carthach: Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
Carthach  (Irish)
Loving. A Variant of Caradoc. The Irish St. Carthach, Also Known As St Carthage, Founded an Early Th Century Monastery at Lismore, County Waterford
172 names found for "Ford"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Satish | Quiana | Moreh | Gale | Madhukar | Bernette | Brein | Draco | Grazia | Suravinda | Umay | Mehida | Quico | Aracely | Dominica |