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Names That Mean Happy

292 names found for "Happy"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Happy? We couldn't find the exact name Happy, but listed below are some first names meaning Happy or names similar to the word Happy.

Similar Names

Hapi | Hapu |

Related Names

Denton  (English)
Happy Home
Dharmanand  (Hindu)
Happy in Following Dharma
Dilkhush  (Hindu)
Happy Heart or Joy to the Heart
Dilkush  (Hindu)
Dita  (Spanish)
Abreviation of the English Edith. Happy Warfare, Spoils of War
Eadgar  (English)
An Old English Name Meaning Rich or Happy (Ead), and Spear (Gar)
Eadgyth  (English)
Happy Warfare. an Old English Name Meaning Rich or Happy (Ead), and War (Gyth)
Eadmund  (English)
Happy Defender. an Old English Name Formed from a Compound of Ead, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Mund, Meaning Protection
Eadweard  (English)
Wealthy Guardian. A Compound of Eud, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Weard, Meaning Guardian
Eadwine  (English)
Wealthy Friend. an Old English Name Compounded from Ead, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Wine, Meaning Friend
Eamon  (French)
Variant of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eamonn  (French)
Variant of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Ed  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Ed  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eda  (English)
Diminutive of Edith: Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. Wealthy. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War
Eddie  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eddy  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Edgar  (English)
Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Edgar Allen Poe
Edie  (English)
Diminutive of Edith: Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. Wealthy. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War
Edith  (English)
Edith  (English)
Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War. Famous Bearer: Nun St Edith (Eadgyth); the Poet Dame Edith Sitwell. Happy Warfare. Spoils of War
Edmond  (French)
Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Edmondo  (English)
Happy Defender
Edmund  (English)
Wealthy Guardian; Happy Defender
Edward  (English)
Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Famous Bearer: King Edward the Elder, Son of Alfred the Great; Edward Viii, Who Abdicated in to Be With the D
Edwin  (German)
Happy Friend
Edwin  (English)
Rich in Friendship. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Famous Bearers: the Hero of Charles Dickens' Last Novel, 'Edwin Drood'
Edwina  (English)
Feminine Form of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend
Edwyn  (German)
Happy Friend
Edyth  (English)
Happy Warfare
Edythe  (English)
Elata  (Latin)
Ellery  (English)
Joyful, Happy. Famous Bearer: Ellery Queen, the Hero of a Series of Detective Stories Written by Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee
Ellery  (Greek)
Joyful; Happy
Elysia  (Latin)
Blissful. Mythological: Elysium Was the Dwelling Place of Happy Souls (Paradise). (Elicia, Elise, Elisha, Elyse, Elysha, Lise, Llysa, Llyse). Origin: Latin
Eunice  (Greek)
Happy, Victorious
Eunice  (Greek)
Happy Victory, Attractive, Resourceful, Material
Eustace  (Greek)
Happy in Harvest, Happy, Simple, Strong, Industrious
Eutychus  (Biblical)
Happy, Fortunate
Evangeline  (Greek)
Happy Messenger, Happy,Confiding,Tenacious
Faareh  (Muslim)
Variant of Fareh: Glad. Happy
Falicia  (Latin)
Happy, Fresh
Falisha  (Latin)
Happy. Feminine of Felix
Fane  (English)
Happy; Joyful
Farah  (Persian)
Fareh  (Muslim)
Glad. Happy
Farhaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Farhan: Merry. Gay (Happy)
Farhaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Farhana: Happy. Joyful. Cheerful. Glad
292 names found for "Happy"   (page 2 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Sigrid | Alaric | Alvin | Ezer | Iseabail | Orlene | Elmir | Magd | Dorek | Guildenstern | Edern | Joan | Rhiannon | Shakir | Vinodini |