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Names That Mean Happy

292 names found for "Happy"   (page 5 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Happy? We couldn't find the exact name Happy, but listed below are some first names meaning Happy or names similar to the word Happy.

Similar Names

Hapi | Hapu |

Related Names

Lida  (Russian)
Happy (Lidiya,Lidochka)
Lisha  (English)
Derived from Alicia: (Sweet; Honest; Truth) and Felecia: (Happy)
Luana  (Hawaiian)
Content; Happy
Mab  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Macario  (Spanish)
Mas'ood  (Muslim)
Variant of Mas'Ud: Happy. Lucky
Mas'ouda  (Muslim)
Happy. Lucky. Fortunate
Mas'ud  (Muslim)
Happy. Lucky
Masood  (Muslim)
Variant of Masoud: Happy. Lucky
Masoud  (Muslim)
Happy. Lucky
Masroor  (Muslim)
Variant of Masrur: Pleased. Happy
Masrur  (Muslim)
Pleased. Happy
Meadhra  (Irish)
Meara  (Irish)
Merry  (English)
From the Name Meredith or Happy
Muireadhach  (Gaelic)
Marier, Seaman; a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Muir (Sea) and Adhach (Happy, Fortunate, Lucky). (Myoor-dahk)
Naashaad  (Muslim)
Variant of Nashad: Unhappy. Morose
Naim  (Islamic)
Content, Happy
Nandita  (Indian)
Nandita  (Hindu)
Nara  (Greek)
Nara  (Gaelic)
Nashad  (Muslim)
Unhappy. Morose
Ned  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Ned  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Neddie  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Neddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Neddy  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Neddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Name Eadweard, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Guardian. Also a Diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful
Nishok  (Hindu)
Nityanand  (Indian)
perennially happy
Oseye  (Egyptian)
Ostein  (Norse)
Osten  (Norse)
Othmar  (Teutonic)
Happy Fame
Ottokar  (German)
Happy Fighter
Oysten  (Norse)
Peli  (Latin)
Pellikita  (Latin)
Pellkita  (Latin)
Pellkita  (Basque)
Rafa  (Arabic)
Sa'eed  (Muslim)
Variant of Sa'Id: Happy. Lucky. Rivulet
Sa'eeda  (Muslim)
Variant of Sa'Ida: Happy. Lucky
Sa'id  (Muslim)
Happy. Lucky. Rivulet
Sa'ida  (Muslim)
Happy. Lucky
Saaraa  (Muslim)
Variant of Sara: Pure. Happy
Saeed  (Persian)
Saelig  (English)
From the Happy Meadow
Said  (Persian)
292 names found for "Happy"   (page 5 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Additional Names

Rickie | Kailene | Bundy | Row | Elikai | Edeline | Mirka | Narcisa | Erik | Kristof | Shemeber | Utbah | Tansy | Rigmor | Safa |