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Meaning of the Name Here

176 names found for "Here"   (page 2 of 4) 

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The first name Here is of Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Wife of Zeus

Similar Names

Hara | Hare | Hari | Haru | Heru | Hiero | Hor | Hori | Hur | Huri |

Related Names

Corbenic  (Arthurian Legend)
Where the Grail Was Kept
Cytherea  (Greek)
Derived from Cythera, a Greek Island Mentioned in Classical References to the Goddess Aphrodite. Another Name for Aphrodite
Dar  (English)
Diminutive of Darby: Place Where Deer Graze
Darb  (English)
Diminutive of Darby: Place Where Deer Graze
Delia  (Greek)
From Delos. Derived from the Name Delos, the Greek Island Where Apollo and the Goddess Artemis are Believed to Have Been Born. Also an Abbreviation of Cordelia and Adelia
Dibzahab  (Biblical)
Where Much Gold Is
Dibzahab  (Biblical)
Where Much Gold Is
Dimon  (Biblical)
Where it is Red
Dimon  (Biblical)
Where it is Red
Dizahab  (Biblical)
Where Much Gold Is
Dizahab  (Biblical)
Where Much Gold Is
Doba  (Native American)
There Was No War
Enli  (Native American)
The Dog Over There
Gallia  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Wherewithall, Gall
Gershom  (Biblical)
A Stranger Here
Gershom  (Hebrew)
A Stranger There
Glistenheath  (Norse)
The Place Where Sigurd Killed Fafnir
Gokul  (Hindu)
Place Where Lord Krishna Was Brought Up
Harold  (English)
Army Commander. Army, Weald Power. Derivative of Hereweald. Famous Bearers: King Harold Ii of England Who Was Killed in the Battle of Hastings In
Harold  (English)
Leader of the Army; Derived from the Obsolete Old English Hereweald (Leader of the Army), a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Heri (Army) and Weald (Ruler, Power, Control). (Harld)
Heath  (English)
Masculine Form of Heather. Untended Land Where Flowering Shrubs Grow. Used Both As a First Name and Surname
Heremon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Irving
Hererinc  (Anglo Saxon)
Heres  (Biblical)
The Son; an Earthen Pot
Heresh  (Biblical)
A Carpenter
Heretoga  (Anglo Saxon)
Hereward  (English)
Derived from Old English 'Hereweard', a Compound of Army (Here) and Protection (Weard).From the Old English Name Hereweard. The Anglo-saxon Hero Hereward the Wake Led a Revolt Against William the Conq
Hereweald  (English)
A Compound of 'Army' and 'To Weald Power'
Hinnom  (Biblical)
There They Are, Their Riches
Hinnom  (Biblical)
There They Are, Their Riches
Ichabod  (Biblical)
'Where is the Glory? Or, No Glory'
Jehovah-shammah  (Biblical)
The Lord is There
Jordana  (Spanish)
Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordane  (French)
Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordanna  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. 'Down Flowing.' the River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordanna  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jordanne  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Jori  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew Jordan. Down Flowing. The River in Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As a Given Name Since the Crusades
Junae  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
June  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junel  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junelle  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Junette  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Juno  (Latin)
Young. in Roman Mythology Juno Was Protectress of Women and of Marriage. in Modern Times June is Therefore Known As the Bridal Month
Kandace  (English)
Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandee  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandi  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandice  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
176 names found for "Here"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Scott | Liana | Jeovanna | Jessamine | Alvan | Enon | Ivan | Helmer | Abishua | Panchika | Durrell | Wilpert | Breena | Cathicen | Perzsi |