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Names That Mean Here

176 names found for "Here"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Here? We couldn't find the exact name Here, but listed below are some first names meaning Here or names similar to the word Here.

Similar Names

Hara | Hare | Hari | Haru | Heru | Hiero | Hor | Hori | Hur | Huri |

Related Names

Kandis  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandiss  (English)
Modern Variant of 'Candace' - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandiss  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandy  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Kandyce  (English)
Modern Variant of Candace - Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens
Keaton  (English)
Where the Hawks Go (Keeton, Keytcn)
Kelton  (English)
Keel Town; Town Where Ships are Built (Keldon, Kelson)
Kione  (African)
Someone Who Comes from Nowhere
Kione  (African)
Someone Who Comes from Nowhere
Lance  (French)
Land (From Old German) the Short Form of the Name Lancelot (Which Incidentally Was Derived Originally from the Name Lance!) Therefore, This Name is the Short Form of Its Own Diminutive
Launce  (French)
Variant of Lance: Land (From Old German) the Short Form of the Name Lancelot (Which Incidentally Was Derived Originally from the Name Lance!) Therefore, This Name is the Short Form of Its Own Diminuti
Leila  (Arabic)
Night, Ethereal, Mysterious, Moody
Lissilma  (Native American)
Be Thou There
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Loordes  (Basque)
Place in France Where Virgin Mary Reportedly Appeared to a Young Girl and Miracles of Healing Subsequently Took Place
Loretta  (Italian)
Variant of Laura: Laurel or Bay. Also Refers to the Name of the Town Loreto, Where the Holy House of the Virgin Mary Was Reputed to Have Been Moved to During the Th Century
Lourdes  (French)
Section of France Where Virgin Mary Was Seen
Maetthere  (English)
Powerful Army
Marcus  (Scottish)
Latin Name of Uncertain Derivation. Most Believe it Has Its Root in Mars, the Name of the Roman Mythological God of War, and is Therefore Given the Meaning 'War-like.' Others Think it is from Mas (Man
Mona  (Native American)
Gathered of the Seed of a Jimson Weed
Olaf  (Norse)
Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf
Oscar  (English)
From the Old English Osgar, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Os (A God) and Gar (Spear). Alternatively, There is an Irish Oscar, Which is Derived from the Gaelic Elements Os (A Deer) and Cara
Pachu'a  (Native American)
Feathered Water Snake (Hopi)
Pandora  (Greek)
All-gift. in Greek Mythology, Pandora's Curiosity Led Her to Open a Mysterious Box, Thereby Releasing Misery and Hope into the World
Pascal  (French)
Name of a Great French Mathematician Who Lived in 17th Century. Click Here to Learn More!
Perry  (English)
He of the Place Where the Pear Tree Grows (Parry, Pearyl
Pochereth  (Biblical)
Cutting of the Mouth of Warfare
Pochereth  (Biblical)
Cutting of the Mouth of Warfare
Renwick  (Teutonic)
Where the Ravens Nest
Renwyk  (Teutonic)
Where the Ravens Nest
Resi  (Greek)
Rezi  (Greek)
Samson  (Biblical)
His Sun; His Service; There the Second Time
Samson  (Hebrew)
Sun Child; Bright Sun. in the Old Testament, Samson's Great Strength Came from His Long Hair. He Was Seduced by Delilah, Who Cut His Hair Off, Thereby Destroying His Strength
Shamgar  (Biblical)
Named a Stranger; He is Here a Stranger
Shamsherai  (Biblical)
There a Singer or Conqueror
Sharif  (Islamic)
Widely Respected (Shareef, Shereef)
Sherebiah  (Biblical)
Singing With the Lord
Sheree  (Contemporary)
Dear/Dearest Adapted from Cherie
Shereef  (Arabic)
Variant of Sharif: Illustrious
Sherene Aquila  (Islamic)
Sweet & Intelligent
Shitrai  (Biblical)
Gatherer of Money
Sigehere  (English)
Sophereth  (Biblical)
'scribe, Numbering'
Stafford  (English)
Ford Where One Stops
Tara  (Scottish)
A Hill Where the Kings Met
Tara  (Irish)
Where the Kings Met. Also Tara's Halls, Where Ancient Bards Sang Deeds of Irish Heroes. The Ruins of the Halls are on the Hill of Tara, Meaning Crag or Tower
Tarsus  (Biblical)
Winged, Feathered
Tarsus  (Biblical)
Winged, Feathered
Teamhair  (Irish)
Where the Kings Met
176 names found for "Here"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Jerande | Qaraar | Claud | Mehir | Kei | Adalwen | Kia | Florrie | Cercyon | Mahina | Somerset | Stanbury | Pasqual | Berk | Biminak |