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Names That Mean Hero

396 names found for "Hero"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Hero? We couldn't find the exact name Hero, but listed below are some first names meaning Hero or names similar to the word Hero.

Similar Names

Hara | Hare | Hari | Harro | Haru | Heru | Hiero | Hor | Hori | Hur |

Related Names

Hung  (Vietnamese)
Hylda  (German)
Variant of Hildegard: Battle. Glorious, Warfare. in Scandinavian Mythology Hildegard Was a Valkyrie Sent by Odin to Escort Battle Heroes to Valhalla
Ida  (German)
Labour. Active. The Heroine of Tennyson's Poem 'The Princess'
Igor  (Scandinavian)
Igor  (Scandinavian)
Heroic Warrior (Ingmar)
Ilda  (Teutonic)
Immy  (English)
Diminutive of Imogen: Innocent. Last Born. The Name of the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Cymbehoe As a Result of a Printing Error in the Folio Edition of the Play
Imogen  (English)
Innocent. Last Born. The Name of the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Cymbehoe As a Result of a Printing Error in the Folio Edition of the Play
Ing  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inga  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inga  (Scandinavian)
Diminutive of Lngeborg: Ing's Protection (Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility). Hero's Daughter. A Feminine Diminutive of Ingeborg
Inga  (Danish)
Daughter of a Hero
Ingaborg  (Scandinavian)
Hero's Daughter
Inge  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inge  (Scandinavian)
Feminine Diminutive of Lngeborg: Ing's Protection (Ing Was the Norse God of Peace and Fertility). Hero's Daughter
Ingeborg  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inger  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inger  (Danish)
Hero's Daughter (Inga)
Inger  (Danish)
Daughter of a Hero
Ingram  (Scandinavian)
Raven of Peace; Ing's Raven. Ing Was a Mythological Scandinavian Hero
Ingria  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Ingria  (Finnish)
Hero's Daughter
Ingrid  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Ingunna  (Scandinavian)
Hero's Daughter
Inkeri  (Teutonic)
Hero's Daughter
Inkeri  (Finnish)
Hero's Daughter
Ivan  (Russian)
The Russian Form of John: Gracious Gift from God. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivan  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivanhoe  (Russian)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivanhoe  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivano  (Russian)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Ivano  (Slavic)
Variant of John. Ivanhoe is the Medieval Variant Sir Walter Scott Used for the Saxon Hero of 'Ivanhoe.'
Jason  (Greek)
A Healing. in Greek Mythology, the Leader of the Group of Warrior Heroes Called the Argonauts
Jasveer  (Indian)
hero of fame
Jeanne  (French)
A Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious. Famous Bearer: French Heroine Jeanne D'Arc (Joan of Arc)
Jeannett  (French)
Diminutive of Jeanne: a Feminine Form of John: God is Gracious. Famous Bearer: French Heroine Jeanne D'Arc (Joan of Arc)
Joan  (English)
God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford, Joan Fontaine, an
Juliet  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of Julia. Juliet Was the Young Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet
Juliette  (Italian)
Variant of Juliet: an Italian Diminutive of Julia. Famous Bearer: Juliet, Young Heroine of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'
Kalevi  (Finnish)
Kalwa  (Finnish)
Kaveh  (Persian)
Name of a Hero
Kenrick  (English)
Royal Ruler. Chief Hero. Used More Commonly As a Surname
Kim  (English)
Diminutive of Kimball: Bold Family. Bold Kin. Famous Bearer: the Hero of Rudyard Kipling's Novel 'Kim'
Lars  (Latin)
Variant of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. Can Also Be Interpreted As the English Version of the Irish Name Lorcan: Fierce. A Roman Hero
Lartius  (Latin)
A Hero Who Saved Rome
Lavena  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavina  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavinia  (Latin)
In Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Leander  (Greek)
Lion Man. in Greek Mythology, Leander Swam Across the Hellespont Each Night to Meet His Lover, the Priestess Hero
396 names found for "Hero"   (page 5 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Manda | Erromon | Genessa | Dixie | Iantha | Chasta | William | Rikka | Ilonka | Idonea | Cannenta | Armin | Valerijs | Chay | Daria |