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Names That Mean Hero

396 names found for "Hero"   (page 7 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Hero? We couldn't find the exact name Hero, but listed below are some first names meaning Hero or names similar to the word Hero.

Similar Names

Hara | Hare | Hari | Harro | Haru | Heru | Hiero | Hor | Hori | Hur |

Related Names

Parzifal  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Perceval  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Percival  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Percyvelle  (Arthurian Legend)
Hero of Several Arthurian Stories
Perdita  (Latin)
Lost. Perdita Was the Heroine of Shakespeare's Play 'The Winter's Tale'
Phoenix  (Greek)
Plantagenet  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Reignier's Daughter, Afterwards Married to Henry Vi. 'Henry Vi, Part Iii' Queen Margaret. 'Much Ado About Nothing' Gentlewoman Attending on Hero. 'King Richard Iii' King Henry Vi's W
Pollyanna  (English)
Compound of the Names Polly and Anna. Writer Eleanor Porter Invented This Name for the Heroine of Her Novel 'Pollyanna'
Portia  (Latin)
An Offering. Portia Was a Heroine in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'
Prabir  (Indian)
hero, brave one (Praveer)
Pratap  (Hindu)
Publius  (Latin)
A Hero Who Saved Rome
Rab  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Rabbie  (German)
Diminutive of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Radames  (Egyptian)
Egyptian Hero of Puccini's Opera Aida
Rhett  (Welsh)
Form of Rhys: Ardent; Fiery. Rhett Butler Was Hero of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind
Robert  (German)
Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Roberta  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Robin  (German)
Variant of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Robina  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Robyn  (German)
Feminine Form of Robert: Famed, Bright; Shining. an All-time Favorite Boys' Name Since the Middle Ages. Famous Bearers: Scottish National Hero Robert the Bruce and Novelist Robert Ludlum
Roland  (German)
Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roland  (English)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolando  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolando  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollan  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollan  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolland  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollie  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollie  (German)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rollo  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rolly  (German)
Diminutive of Roland: Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Roly  (German)
Diminutive of Roland: Famed Land; Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rooney  (Irish)
Rowland  (English)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Rowland  (French)
Renowned in the Land. Roland Was a Legendary Hero Who Served Charlemagne
Ruanaidh  (Irish)
Salali  (Native American)
Squirrel (Cherokee)
Salome  (Hebrew)
Peace. Tranquil. in the Bible, Salome Was the Granddaughter of Herod the Great Who Asked for the Head of John the Baptist in Return for Dancing for Her Stepfather on His Birthday
Scarlett  (English)
Red. One Who Wears or Sells Scarlet Cloth. Famous Bearers: Margaret Mitchell's Heroine (Scarlett O'Hara) in 'Gone With the Wind'
Seanlaoch  (Irish)
Old Hero
Senan  (Irish)
Hero of the People
Shanley  (Irish)
Old Hero
Sheron  (Irish)
Irish Form of Geoffrey
Siobhan  (English)
Variant of Joan: God is Gracious. Feminine Form of John Famous Bearers: Legendary Pope Joan, Who Was a Woman Masquerading As a Man; French Heroine Joan of Arc (Jeanne D'Arc); Actresses Joan Crawford,
Sohrab  (Persian)
Name of a Hero
Spurius  (Latin)
A Hero Who Saved Rome
Stella  (French)
Diminutive of Estella: Derived from the Old French Form of the Latin 'stella' Meaning Star. Famous Bearer: the Heroine of Charles Dickens' Novel 'Great Expectations'
396 names found for "Hero"   (page 7 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Ethan | Kazatimiru | Nemesio | Narius | Mu'een | Marah | Crispo | Floy | Margery | Beatrice | Jauhera | Shae | Jankia | Llinos | Fath |