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Names That Mean Irish

289 names found for "Irish"   (page 6 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Irish? We couldn't find the exact name Irish, but listed below are some first names meaning Irish or names similar to the word Irish.

Similar Names

Irijah | Iris | Irus | Iras | Irisa |

Related Names

Rory  (English)
Red; an Irish Form of the Gaelic Ruairidh and Ruairi, Names Derived from Rua (Red, Ruddy). (Ror-ree)
Rourke  (Gaelic)
An Ancient Given Name Adopted As an Irish Clan Name. Surname
Rourke  (Irish)
An Ancient Given Name Adopted As an Irish Clan Name. Surname
Saeran  (Welsh)
Irish Saint
Seamus  (Irish)
Variant of Shamus (Irish Variant of James: Supplanter)
Sean  (Irish)
Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shamus  (Irish)
Irish Variant of James: Supplanter
Shane  (Irish)
Variant of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shani  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shaun  (Irish)
Variant of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shauna  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shawn  (Irish)
God is Gracious and Merciful; an Irish Form of Sean Which is Again an Irish Form of John. (Shaun, Sean)
Shawn  (Irish)
Variant of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Shawna  (Irish)
Present. Also a Feminine Form of Sean: Irish Variant of John: God is Gracious; Gift from God
Sheary  (Irish)
Irish Form of Geoffrey 'Peace from God'
Sheelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Sheelah  (Irish)
Irish Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheila  (Irish)
Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Sheilah  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia: a Roman Clan Name
Shelagh  (Irish)
Variant of Sheila: Irish Variant of Celia, from Celius, a Roman Clan Name. Also a Form of Cecilia: Blind
Shelby  (English)
Cliff Farm. Origin: Irish
Sheron  (Irish)
Irish Form of Geoffrey
Sirisha  (Hindu)
Siubhan  (Scottish)
God is Gracious;Derived from Irish Siobhan, Which is a Gaelic Form of Jane. (Sheh-von)
Tara  (Irish)
Where the Kings Met. Also Tara's Halls, Where Ancient Bards Sang Deeds of Irish Heroes. The Ruins of the Halls are on the Hill of Tara, Meaning Crag or Tower
Taralynn  (English)
Variant of Irish or Sanskrit 'Tara. '
Tarrah  (English)
Variant of Irish or Sanskrit Tara
Taryn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Irish Hillside
Tibbot  (Irish)
Irish Form of Theobald
Tipper  (Irish)
Nickname and Variant of the Irish Name Tabar Meaning a Well
Tipper  (Irish)
Nickname and Variant of the Irish Name Tabar Meaning a Well
Trey  (English)
Three. Also a Variant of Irish Traigh 'strand'
Troi  (English)
Troy Derives from the Ancient Greek City of Troy; Also from an Irish Surname Meaning 'soldier.'
Troy  (English)
Troy Derives from the Ancient Greek City of Troy; Also from an Irish Surname Meaning 'soldier.'
Troye  (English)
Troy Derives from the Ancient Greek City of Troy; Also from an Irish Surname Meaning 'soldier.'
Uaid  (Irish)
Irish Form of Walter
Una  (English)
Form of Agnes (Irish)
Zaira  (Irish)
Irish Form of Sara: Princess
Zephan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Irish Saint
289 names found for "Irish"   (page 6 of 6) 

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Additional Names

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