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Names That Mean Irish

289 names found for "Irish"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Irish? We couldn't find the exact name Irish, but listed below are some first names meaning Irish or names similar to the word Irish.

Similar Names

Irijah | Iris | Irus | Iras | Irisa |

Related Names

Abiageal  (Irish)
Irish Form of Abigail. Brings Joy
Abracham  (Irish)
Irish Form of Abraham
Adam  (Hebrew)
Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth of Eden from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created in Genesis Famous Bearer: Irish St Adamnan, Meaning 'Little Adam', Was the Biographer of
Adamnan  (Hebrew)
Little Adam, from Adam Meaning Red, a Reference to Either the Red Skin or the Red Earth from Which the Old Testament Adam Was Created (Genesis :). St Adamnan Was a Irish Saint and Biographer of St Col
Aghna  (Irish)
Irish Form of Agnes
Aidan  (Irish)
Warm; Little Fire. A Masculine Variant of Eshne from Irish Gaelic. Famous Bearer: Actor Aidan Quinn
Aidan  (Gaelic)
Little Fire, Ardent. Aidan Was Popular in Ireland in the After the Famous Irish Monk Aidan
Aileen  (Scottish)
From the Green Meadow, a Variant of Evelyn. Also a Scottish Variant of the Irish Eileen
Aine  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Ajthne  (Irish)
Ardent. Variant of Eshne: Little Fire, from Irish Gaelic
Alana  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alanna  (Gaelic)
This Name of Uncertain Origin May Be a Feminine Form of Man, or Derived from the Irish Gaelic Word for 'Child'
Alby  (Irish)
Name of an Irish Saint
Amhlaoibh  (Irish)
Irish Form of Olaf
Annabla  (Irish)
Irish Form of Annabel: Lovable
Aoife  (Irish)
Irish Form of Eve: Gives Life
Argyle  (Celtic)
From the Land of the Irish
Arthur  (Irish)
Derived from the Irish Art Meaning 'stone'. Arthur Was an Irish Prince
Auley  (Irish)
Irish Form of Olaf
Auliffe  (Irish)
Irish Form of Olaf
Avang  (Norse)
An Irishman
Barrie  (Irish)
A Form of Barry, from the Irish Word for Spear. This Name is Given More Commonly to Men, But Also Used As a Feminine Name. Also Fair-haired. Famous Bearer: Sir J. M. Barrie Created Peter Pan
Barrie  (Irish)
A Form of Barry, from the Irish Word for Spear. This Name is Given More Commonly to Men, But Also Used As a Feminine Name. Also Fair-haired. Famous Bearer: Sir J. M. Barrie Created Peter Pan
Barry  (Irish)
Fair Haired. Also from the Irish Word for Spear. Used Regurarly Throughout the English-speaking World Since the Early Th Century
Bedelia  (Irish)
A Variant of Bridget, Meaning the High One or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbess Brigid )Known As St Bridget or St Bride) Founded Ireland's First Women's Religious Community
Biddy  (Irish)
Diminutive of Brigid: a Variant of Bridget, Meaning the High One or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbess Brigid )Known As St Bridget or St Bride) Founded Ireland's First Women's Religious
Birgitta  (Irish)
A Variant of Bridget, Meaning the High One or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbess Brigid )Known As St Bridget or St Bride) Founded Ireland's First Women's Religious Community
Bram  (Dutch)
A Dutch Diminutive of Abraham, Meaning 'Father of a Multitude' Famous Bearer: Bram Stoker, Th Century Irish Author of Dracula
Bram  (Irish)
Irish Form of Abraham
Brendan  (Irish)
Prince. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair' Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbot St Brendan Founded a Monastery at Clonfert in County Galway; Then is Said to Have Sailed Across the At
Brian  (Celtic)
In Use in England Since the Middle Ages. Possibly Connected With the Irish Word for Hill Thus 'He Ascends.'. Also Some Texts Define it As Strong. Th Century Brian Boru Was a High King and Great Nation
Brian  (English)
Brought to England by the Breton Companions of William the Conqueror, This Name is Originally Derived from the Irish Word for Hill
Bride  (Irish)
Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning the High One or Strength. Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry
Bridget  (Irish)
Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the British Isles Since th
Bridie  (Irish)
Diminutive of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the
Brigid  (Irish)
A Variant of Bridget, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength. The Th Century Irish Abbess Brigid Founded Ireland's First Women's Religious Community. in Great Britain, She Was Known As St Bridget or St B
Brigit  (Irish)
Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the British Isles Since th
Brigitta  (Latin)
A Latin Form of the Irish Bridget, Meaning the High One, or Strength
Brigitta  (Irish)
Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br
Brigitte  (French)
A French Form of the Irish Bridget, Meaning the High One, or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Actress Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte  (Irish)
Variant of Bridget: Derived from the Irish Name Brighid, Meaning 'The High One' or 'strength.' Brighid Was a Mythological Celtic Goddess of Fire and Poetry. This Name Has Been Used Regularly in the Br
Brit  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Brita  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Britt  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Britta  (Scandinavian)
Strength. from the Irish Name Bridget
Bryan  (English)
Brought to England by the Breton Companions of William the Conqueror, This Name is Originally Derived from the Irish Word for Hill. Popular Variant of Brian
Cailean  (Gaelic)
Dove; a Gaelic Form of the Late Latin Columba. The Name Was Borne by St. Columba (521-97), Who Was an Irish Missionary of Great Influence in Both Ireland and Scotland. He Founded Several Monastery Sch
Caitlin  (Gaelic)
Pure. an Irish Gaelic Variant of Catherine from the Old French Form of the Name
Callaghan  (Irish)
Strife. Saint Callaghan Was an Irish Saint
Canice  (Scottish)
Handsome, Comey; a Borrowing from the Irish, Canice is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Coinneach (Handsome, Comely)
289 names found for "Irish"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Aiekin | Tora | Caleigh | Abana | Shattuck | Dominik | Dattatreya | Smriti | Catalin | Shawn | Paulson | Mubarak | Liam | Kolton | Laili |