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Names That Mean King

1309 names found for "King"   (page 16 of 27) 

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Looking for names that mean King? We couldn't find the exact name King, but listed below are some first names meaning King or names similar to the word King.

Similar Names

Kong | Kunz | Kianga | Kanga |

Related Names

Kitron  (Biblical)
Making Sweet, Binding Together
Kitron  (Biblical)
Making Sweet, Binding Together
Kittim  (Biblical)
Breaking, Bruising Small, Gold, Coloring
Kittim  (Biblical)
Breaking, Bruising Small, Gold, Coloring
Knute  (Scandinavian)
Knot. Form of Canute; the Name of an Eleventh-century King of Denmark and England
Kral  (Czechoslovakian)
Kshiteendra  (Hindu)
A King of Suryavamsha
Kyan  (African American)
Little King
Lachlan  (Scottish)
Warlike. Land of Fjords (Referring to the Vikings). from the Land of Lakes
Lana  (English)
Abbreviation of Alana. Fair; Good-looking
Lancaster  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, Part and ' Prince John of Lancaster, Son to the King
Lancelot  (French)
Servant. Also a Diminutive of Lance: Land (From Old German) Lancelot Was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table and Adulterous Lover to Queen Guinevere
Lancelot  (English)
Servant. God-like. Also a Diminutive of Lance. in Arthurian Legend, Sir Lancelot Was King Arthur's Close Friend and a Knight of the Round Table. A Central Theme in Arthurian Legend is the Adulterous L
Lanette  (English)
Variant of Lana. Fair; Good-looking
Langley  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry Iv, ' Earl of March. 'King Henry Vi, Iii' Edmund, Earl of Rutland and Son to Richard Plantagenet. 'Tragedy of King Lear' Edmund, Bastard Son to Gloucester. 'King Richard the Second' Edmund
Lanice  (English)
Variant of Lana. Fair; Good-looking
Lanna  (English)
Variant of Lana. Fair; Good-looking
Laraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Larraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Latinus  (Latin)
King of Latium
Launcelot  (French)
Servant. Also a Diminutive of Lance: Land (From Old German) Lancelot Was a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table and Adulterous Lover to Queen Guinevere
Lauraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lavena  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavina  (Latin)
Variant of Lavinia: in Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lavinia  (Latin)
In Classical Mythology, Lavinia Was the Daughter of King Latinus and the Wife of Trojan Hero Aeneas, Who Named the City Lavinium in Her Honour
Lear  (English)
Shakespearian King
Lear  (Shakespearean)
'Tragedy of King Lear' Lear, King of Britain
Leeroy  (French)
The King
Leif  (Scandinavian)
Son; Descendant. According to Norse Legend Viking Leif Eriksson Landed His Longboat on North American Shores Some Years Before Columbus Arrived in the Caribean
Lekah  (Biblical)
Walking, Going
Lekah  (Biblical)
Walking, Going
Lenore  (French)
Variant of Eleanor: a Variant of Helen Introduced into Britain in Th Century Ad by King Henry Ii's Wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine
Leon  (French)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Leon  (German)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Leontes  (Shakespearean)
'The Winter's Tale' King of Sicilia
Leontes  (Shakespearean)
'The Winter's Tale' King of Sicilia
Leroi  (French)
The King
Leroy  (French)
Leroy  (French)
The King (From 'Le Roi'). Originally a Surname, it is Now More Common As a First Name
Leroy  (French)
The King
Lewis  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' the Dauphin. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Lewis Xi, King of France. 'King John' Lewis, the Dauphin
Lex  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Th Century Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named
Lia  (Spanish)
Is an Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Lia  (Spanish)
Is an Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Lia  (Italian)
An Abbreviation of Names Like Amalia: (Hard Working;Industrious) and Rosalia: (Rose)
Lina  (Latin)
Diminutive of Carolina: Strong. A Latinized Form of Caroline. Famous Bearer: the American States of North and South Carolina Were Named After British King Charles I
Lincoln  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Bishop of Lincoln
Lion  (English)
Lion. The Lion is a Figure in Art and Religious Symbolism of Many Cultures; Symbolizing Kingliness and Grandeur and Courage
Lionel  (English)
Young Lion. Diminutive of Leon. One of the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. Famous Bearers: American Actor Lionel Barrymore (-) and British Actor Lionel Jeffries (Born )
Lir  (Celtic)
A Mythical King
1309 names found for "King"   (page 16 of 27) 

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Additional Names

Jarel | Faust | Norman | Larz | Radharaman | Carmine | Callia | Valerie | Ahladita | Valeria | Ranier | Muadhnait | Overton | Elbow | Nineveh |